What is your primary browser?

Long-time Chrome user. Currently looking for alternatives. I was about to install Firefox but I decided to try out Brave to take advantage of its BAT token.

I’m having no problems so far. The built-in ad-blocker works fine. There are still ads, but not as eyesore compared to other browsers without an ad-block plugin.

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Brave everywhere! Fast, stable & private.

I’m pretty sure Brave is only based on Google’s open-source Chromium software and is made by Brave Software as quoted below.
“Brave is developed by Brave Software, which was founded on 28 May 2015, by CEO Brendan Eich and CTO Brian Bondy. On 20 January 2016, Brave Software launched the first version of Brave with an ad-blocking feature, and announced plans for a privacy ad feature and a revenue sharing program.”

Open-source it may be, but not free as in freedom the way Firefox is: should Google see fit to shut down Chromium’s operation of implementations free of reliance upon “reporting”-related “features”, Brave would need to pivot to using another web engine. Just today, a story broke of retaliation against an employee for circulating a form Google themselves are legally required to distribute to their employees:

Just an admonishment on my part that it might behoove you to think a little more long-term.

oh wow! I feel so bad for her and agree something needs to be done. I just don’t know what? How can someone like her with her credentials be treated in such a way.

That’s myopic to the point of seeming sarcastic: defining the problem by individual is no less problematic in this case than in the case of users with software which subjects them to similar whims of the same source, if indirectly. The structural problems at Google have been clear for a while and range far beyond individual incidents of maltreatment.

I understand the problem is much bigger than one person. I am not myopic nor sarcastic. We were not talking about google as a whole but a specific tiny little part which is this one women’s experience. I am not what your tone and diction say I am and I resent that. I am not some idiot not realizing the problem with google is much greater than this tiny tiny snippet. I get it and I have know it long before you insulted me.




This comment really doesn’t make much sense in context. It reads like you wanted an excuse to sound smart about something. I’d try to avoid talking down to people like that.


I genuinely apologize if what I said felt insulting to you! The argumentation as-stated was no different in my eyes, however, than those who I think it inescapable to conclude are vested in intentionally narrowing the debate only to such arguments, and that is why I focused on that in my reply. Noting that it seemed sarcastic is something I do stand behind because from the mouths of someone mysogynist and/or a corporatist maximalist, the way the statement read could readily by taken that way. There’s also the matter of relying upon credentials as the fulcrum for being treated decently and the law being followed without undue repercussion which could be implied by your statement as intellectual-hating bait, again: as-rendered… I am glad you embrace the larger context of the incident and the debate over the issues it involves! Again, I apologize if you felt insulted, as that truly was not my intent.

I hope my explanation above amply demonstrates why your characterization of my remarks is inaccurate to my intent, and again, I apologize that a contentious issue would lead to a less than charitable reading in absence of a fuller statement.


alll is good…thank you


Please don’t spread FUD @philodygmn.

Brave is neither owned by, nor in any sense controlled by, Google. It’s based on the open source Chromium project, which is largely staffed by Google engineers, and so indirectly funded by Google, but Brave has numerous talented engineers who change the code considerably. Brave and Google have no business relationship other than whatever referral fees come from Google searches (just like Firefox, Safari, and Edge).

Saying Brave is owned by Google is like saying Microsoft is owned by Google. It’s nonsense.


I didn’t ever say it’s owned by Google. I’m pointing out the proximity of power and encouraging prospective users to take that into careful consideration.

Whatever you say @philodygmn. Can you provide the link for the disgrutled Brave engineer who left? Maybe he was a Gecko guy? Brave was briefly Graphene/Gecko before its release, but early on migrated to Electron, then Muon for security.

Here’s a relevant post from Reddit a year ago: Reddit - Dive into anything

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That engineer could have the worst motivations in the world and it’d change nothing of the point regarding Google vis a vis Brave.

Also there’s this…

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I installed macCredge and was puzzled why full disk access would be needed just to import Safari data?

“ScreenCapture” 2019-12-21 at 6.39.51 PM

Because they would need to search the HD to find the files for the other browser[s], I’d imagine.

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Except, the only browser import option, in the drop down window during install, was Safari and I also have Firefox as my default. Then again, as @PHolder suggested, maybe if I’d granted full disk access, Firefox would have shown as an option.

[UPDATED] granted full disk access to macCredge but still only see Safari for importing data.

“ScreenCapture” 2019-12-21 at 8.33.05 PM

Currently, Twit.community is not ‘verified’ with Brave Publishing. Will this be happening, I’ll tip to help out with the infrastructure and all.