Currently shelter in place in my country has been extended to 28 April 2020, it started on 18 March 2020. And just like my pet rabbit, i feel tired being stuck at home.
Shot with a Pixel 3.
Currently shelter in place in my country has been extended to 28 April 2020, it started on 18 March 2020. And just like my pet rabbit, i feel tired being stuck at home.
Shot with a Pixel 3.
My daughter taking a break outside after some playtime while waiting for my wife to get home from work.
Man, that’s simply an awesome composition. Should “shelter at home” stay in any shape or form through summer, the “New Yorker” might sketch off of your photograph and turn it into a cover image.
Thank you. It took a few shots at slightly different angles to get it to match the visualisation in my head; glad I was able to pull it off.
My day.
No I didn’t watch them.
You may be surprised to learn that lots of people still buy and watch DVDs. I sell about 5-10 per day on eBay. I just alphabetised these 700 odd movies ready to be put in storage so I can easily find them when they sell.
These days I consider it my contribution to the Pandemic fight. Providing entertainment while people are staying home and safe. And thank you all mail carriers and couriers.
Framing and composing a shot interestingly is something I simply cannot get my head around. Commonly, every-day-scenes appear so dull and uninteresting if they are not framed appropriately.
Do you, @andrewmelder, have any “useful thoughts” to keep in mind when trying to make a shot more interesting? Your photo suggest that you were going for a certain graphical quality of lines, clearly delineated patterns, but also a cultural commentary on current affairs with a relatable person doing relatable stuff, passing time, being limited, and for a moment disregarding fun to be had (outside), the inflatable crocodile. Not to over-congratulate, but this is masterclass stuff.
I am lacking a north-star for orientation here but I am pretty sure that there are great guiding thoughts to be learned and played with! Maybe also a question for @ChrisMarquardt, @ant_pruitt …?
I’ve mentioned this in another thread here, but I’m not naturally creative and therefore struggle with this as well.
For myself, the biggest thing is not trying to force being creative because my brain becomes too critical and the resulting photos feel forced and unnatural. It does mean interesting photos are maybe days or weeks apart; I accept my creative limitations.
In terms of actually taking the photo when I get an idea in my head, I just try and meet two goals:
I don’t focus on getting the result perfect from the camera, even though I actually did on this one. Instead I try and ensure I have enough information in the frame so I know I can get the result through editing later
If I can, i’ll take multiple frames from different angles; even when I think I already got the right frame.Today’s photo was probably my 6th shot and I knew it was one I could use, but I ended up taking 7-8 more just in case
Actually the vision in my head was far more simple and focused on two things:
My daughter relaxing on the chair with the blow-up crocodile almost like a faithful puppy next to her
The green of the (fake) grass contrasted with the bright blue parts of the sky
I wasn’t even focused on the fence or the lines created from it at all in this instance, but it did end up being the factor why I chose this frame over others where the framing of the fence was ever so slightly different. In this case I trusted my instinct on what I felt looked the best from a framing P.O.V.
I really should do something about my collection. I have something like 2,500 DVDs and BluRay discs in the cellar.
Greetings from Westpark, Munich, Germany.
Flying through the pond Stickman yoga Homemaking Flowers Moll Pond due West Moll Pond due EastIn part, my S10e over-emphasises contrast rich edges when a little zoomed in that some images (Stickman yoga, Homemaking, Moll Pond due west) look a bit cartoonish - fun, though.
Excellent point. Good to remember.
That seems like the pivotal point of creative work - there’s intent, then there’s fortunate side-outcomes, then there’s an audience who connects and wants to read into works. I wonder whether successful artists manage to position themselves in places where all three are maximised. I guess that’s where the role of good artistic management comes in: have a capable creative, help her be places where she will experience many fortunate side-outcomes, and connect her with an audience that “gets her”. Interesting!
Thanks for sharing!
Love the jetstream shot.
I love Munich, I lived just outside of Munich when I first moved to Germany (Geltendorf), the best of both worlds, quiet, slow paced village 30 minutes by train from the city centre.
I haven’t had a rabbit since I was a child. He was white, and his name was Snowy (predictably).
They can be great pets, and yours looks bored, but happy. Like most rabbits…