Photograhy Ideas - Why you take pictures

I just like capturing a moment in time the way I’m seeing it. The last part of that sentence is the toughest, because it goes beyond what is literally visible in front of me.

Sometimes it’s what I’m visualising in my head as I take the photo; other times it’s trying to capture a visual representation of my emotional experience at the time.

Problem I have is that I don’t consider myself naturally creative. So when I go out with the goal of taking photos, I often end up frustrated with the results as it feels forced.

However when I take that pressure off and take pictures as I’m experiencing things in my life, I’m much more in flow and far happier with the pictures as a result.

This is why I tend to primarily lean towards mobile photography and pocketable cameras such as my Ricoh; instead of anything that requires a dedicated bag or camera constantly around my neck.