MBW 849: Decorate Your Notch

Beep boop - this is a robot. A new show has been posted to TWiT…

What are your thoughts about today’s show? We’d love to hear from you!

Listening to the episode now. Really nice hearing Rich Siegal’s perspective. Something I would like to hear in the future would be the perspective of someone either less well known or someone who has had more significant issues with the App Store.

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Okay - after finishing the Rich Siegal segment, I find myself a bit disappointed. I had really hoped for more discussion on his experiences in the App Store. He alluded to several instances where dealing with the app store evaluators seemed to be frustrating. I don’t know that he settled any ‘bets’ between Alex and @leo. I likewise wanted more followup on the points where he agreed with Andy and Jason, and the points where he agreed with Alex. There was a bit of that - but only a bit.

Still - it’s far better to have heard what we did than nothing at all. Good stuff.

I really enjoyed hearing from Rich Seigel and his perspective from an app developer viewpoint. He seemed to be deliberate with what he said but I think he was able to convey at least some of the frustrations working with Apple over the years. And, good back-and-forth between the panel members.

I found the discussion of the NFL Sunday Ticket very interesting, particularly the reasons / motivations that streaming and networks want the sports broadcasts.

Another great show this week!


A great show and a great discussion.

Rich was very calm, I just wish he had gone into more detail about the types of problem that developers experience in the mobile app store. It was interesting about BBedit on the macOS Store & how Apple worked with them, but that made the silence around the problems with the mobile store even louder. But still a great guest and some great insights into developing for Apple platforms.

MPW - wasn’t it Mac Programmers’ Workbench, not Workshop, @Leo ?

I remember working in Lightspeed Pascal and Lightspeed C++ on the Mac Plus in 1988. We had MPW as well, and its command line was very useful. The GUI is nice and simple, but the command line is sometimes quicker and more flexible.


Workbench sounds right. I still wish I had that. I did all my 68000 assembly language programming in it and it remember it being smooth as silk. Which was pretty good for 1986!

Oh look!

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Workbench was definitely the name of the Amiga Desktop.