Beep boop - this is a robot. A new show has been posted to TWiT…
What are your thoughts about today’s show? We’d love to hear from you!
Beep boop - this is a robot. A new show has been posted to TWiT…
What are your thoughts about today’s show? We’d love to hear from you!
This episode has one of the best show titles in a long time.
“It’s your little pocket pal that’s fun to be with” - Leo hahhah
That’s how I think about my phone. But something Rene Ritchie said back in 2019 resonates with me still: our iPhones are more like a tool. a screwdriver. it does so many things and is a useful everyday tool. you don’t keep your screwdriver in a case. you get it dinged up. I rawdog my phone
The audio was good this week! I didn’t even change my headphones like I suggested I might last week.
I was hoping for Don’t Call It Rawdogging
(@32:30 in the show). I had no idea this was a real thing.
Kudos to Andy for powering through his nuanced and very cogent position regarding parental controls and how a way for on-device age handing could be done.
WRT the discussions of case makers bribing the supply chain to get the measurements for new iPhones, is it possible that Apple itself would supply (i.e., sell) those details to suppliers? Would revenue from those “leaks” go on the books in Wearables or in Services?
No transcript has been posted for MBW this week. Are they always posted?
I thought they were. Perhaps some part of the automation took a day off? May have to wait until @Leo gets back from vacation.
I have a hard time imagining that Apple would provide that information to 3rd party case makers when they make their own cases for phone.
Do actual regular non-tech people upgrade their phones because of the camera? I hear this a lot on the podcast and honestly, I’m not buying it.
Sample size of one and what not, but I’m the only tech nerd in my social and family circles. I have never once heard someone say they upgraded the phone because of the camera. Nine times out of ten, it’s because the phone broke and the person needed a new one.
I really think this one of those ideas that tech bubble people convince themselves is an ironclad law that everyone does.
My daughter wants my iPhone 13 Pro because the camera on her X is so bad and blurry in comparison which is bad for her, taking hundreds of shots of our grand kids, so I’ll be updating at some point in the next month or two.