Beep boop - this is a robot. A new show has been posted to TWiT…
What are your thoughts about today’s show? We’d love to hear from you!
Beep boop - this is a robot. A new show has been posted to TWiT…
What are your thoughts about today’s show? We’d love to hear from you!
Being in the UK Wednesday morning is my fav podcast day of the week as MacBreak drops (and iOS Today but still miss Sarah Lane!).
So with the discussion of Apps and Movies you’ve already purchased, I have taught the family to go via Purchased first if it is a paid app to make sure no one (normally me) has already bought that app. From the App store click on your profile icon (top Right in iOS) then on Purchased. You can see browse the purchased apps of anyone in the family group.
There was a moment of dread for me when Leo couldn’t switch off Andy. I was concerned we were going to hear a synopsis of all of the “That’s Entertainment” films…
The only people that I ever saw using the search function to start an app are kids and nerds.
The majority click on an icon or recall it from the history.
I have 856 Apps (including a ton of music making apps and synths) on my iPad (around 900 apps on my Android phone). There is no way I can remember their names.
Leo, on Windows Weekly you were lamenting about changing the color of folders in MacOS. Well Paul was mentioning that.