Matter Hygrometer

I’m looking for indoor hygrometer (thermometer included would be a bonus) with Matter compatibility. I’m looking to cover 5 rooms, something with a display would be handy, as my wife hates smart devices, she’d rather look at the devices, rather than having it available on her phone.

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This might help

I saw on Reddit that Eve is a recommended brand that makes that list for Homekit, but I don’t know if being Homekit compatible is an endorsement for Matter.

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I went with a Qingping hygrometer in the end, as a test. It was relatively cheap (30€) and with a standard lithium cell and eInk display, it should be relatively frugal.

I did look at Netamo and Eve devices, but they included so much more functionality than I needed and were 3-4 times the price of the Qingping…

My wife’s first reaction was that it was useless - it replaced a dumb thermometer and clock - as it doesn’t show the time. That the old one would lose a minute a week was irrelevant to her. :person_shrugging:

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Hmm, the battery should last 5 months, but the first one lasted 5 days! Not so hot. Maybe the battery is older? I’ll see if the 2nd battery holds longer, otherwise it is going back, I can’t afford 2 batteries a week. :frowning:

Ugh, that would be frustrating!

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