Macbreak Weekly and politics

I just want to say a big thank you to @Mistershipwreck, @philbar especially, but the others in the thread as well, for keeping this conversation civilised and not reducing it to name calling.

While we have different opinions, for the most part we have agreed to disagree on parts of this thread.

I also noticed that, for example with @Mistershipwreck, that, although we have had our differences on this thread, we left those differences at the “door” of this thread and we had completely different conversations on other threads, with no taint from this thread flowing over.

Hats off to the TWiT community, especially in these times where so many people quickly lose their rag after being cooped up for so long.


Hope someone can clarify something for me. Forgetting politics, and leaving out that some people might take the President’s words as a suggestion, my take each time I view the press conference is he turns to his right, and addresses the comments about use of UV light and disinfectant inside the body to someone sitting there as something to be investigated by doctors or experts. In both cases, I got the impression he was commenting on something that had been discussed with him previously. The first time I saw it, there was a much wider view of the room, and I thought he was looking towards and addressing a technical advisor.


Yes, that was his chief medical advisor and they had discussed disinfectants and UV light for cleaning surfaces (worktops, hospital beds and equipment etc. I would assume) before the meeting, as far as I can deduce it - he came from an internal briefing to the press conference. He seemed to then have a brainstorm and thought, maybe this could be used within the body and thus said that maybe it could be used within the body as well, and then asked whether they would check it out.

Such a brainstorm/brainfart is not something he should have immediately discussed in front of the camera, but that is Trump for you. It is something most people would have waited with and discussed it in private with the specialists, before making such a statement.


Thanks for posting that. And, that’s how it SHOULD be.

As I said before, I didn’t join this forum to talk politics. However, in the past couple of months, I have so wanted to jump into a few past conversations… Sometimes I would even start to type a response, but then I would just stop 1/2 way thru it… I would always eventually decide not to post my reply because I thought it would effect my other interactions with members here on the forum…

But, in the past week, I finally could not resist.

But yes, conversations like this should not take over the forum and make people be enemies. We should be able to disagree politely and still get along. Up to now, I had resisted getting into these topics because of my fear that this wouldn’t happen.

So, thanks for posting that.


I’d also like to thank everyone for not letting this degenerate into a flame war. I have been following the thread, but a lot of it is rather over my head. I have a fairly simplistic or even idealistic view of politics and how things should work and a lot in politics puzzle me. I’m neither right wing or left wing, though I consider myself left of centre of that means anything at all.

Thank you for a civil debate with no asbestos suit required :grinning:


thank all of you for sharing…I have learned so much from reading your responses. I might not agree with everything but I at least now know what both sides believe.