First thing that caught my eye: in the installer that you can download, the version is called Windows 10 2009. Which is excellent. It immediately sets you up for the halloween experience I seek.
Nice: it creates a 4 GB downloaded temp file and about 27 GB in backups of the old version when installed on a fresh 1909 install. Make sure you have enough space!
good luck! are you doing a fresh install or upgrade?
If you are low on space, you can use a removable flash device with at least 16GB free as a temporary store. In fact I think it will do so without even telling you (or asking your permission.) I have been burned by this on my big boy machine because I have a large 32G RAM disk on it, and Windows keeps trying to use it for a temporary store during an upgrade. You can imagine how well that doesn’t go.
I installed 20h2 on a mini computer with 64 gigs of hard drive space and 4 gigs of RAM. And except for the normal running out of memory issues it seems to work fine.
Thanks. I used a USB stick with an older 1909 Windows install image and then let it update. I had some problems creating install media recently (some more fresh editions simply failed during install) which is why I stuck with the older, working one.
Excellent. Working with a NUC over here so yay to those little guys. Yeah, going directly to 20H2 by install medium will likely work best. However, given the size of some updates and the size of your harddrive: do you expect challenges when updating later on or do I see this as to much of a problem? I seem to have had what felt like pretty wasteful update processes.
Ha! Good point: mine did, too! The 27 GB of restore information ended up on my D drive HDD even though there was plenty of space on the faster C NVME, now that you mention it. It’s weird how this setup process tends to spread through the system. Well if you have your backup written to a RAM disk, that’s pretty ironic, too. In case of the update residue for a fresh (but outdated) Windows install, it might even be a self-clean-up feature.
I was thinking about your last post and was trying to remember how I got it on the NUC , I had 1909 on it and an 32GIG sd card in use. I think I went to the slow ring and got it that way because I just made a 20H2 thumb drive tonight to update my ASUS laptop.
I installed it last week on my home PC and on Monday, when I got back into the office, on my work PC, through WSUS and I am slowly rolling it out to a test group at work. So far, no problems.
Although I am primarily a Linux guy I had some issues recently so I had to switch to windows. Got the update today without any problems.
Same here. I use Windows on an Intel NUC to VNC into when I need to do something on the Win platform. Which distribution did you settle on for Linux?
I am using Ubuntu at home. Had a very weird case with kernel panics related to network manager. I tried to debug while using windows for the work on the same system but on another disk.
Eventually I ended up reinstalling Ubuntu 20.10.
I also have Ubuntu in WSL2 and it is actually quite nice. A decent Linux experience in windows at last.