WW 827: It Makes Me Fight

Beep boop - this is a robot. A new show has been posted to TWiT…

What are your thoughts about today’s show? We’d love to hear from you!

I believe Windows 12, AKA Windows AI, will support neural processors both in systems and via USB C/Thunderbolt and that Microsoft (and others) will release a ‘Copilot’ device that can be attached to a PC to let the PC access it’s neural processing architecture or can be used independently as an evolution of the smartphone!

Everyone was talking cats, that must be where I am going wrong, I am a dog person - token pic of puppy at 6 months


One thing that keeps bugging me, when Richard does his whisky chats is his misuse of the word “hundreds” he was referring to the late 1700s, but meant 1760-1780, likewise, he then went on to talk about the 1800s, meaning 1886.

The 1700s were from 1700 to 1709, 1760-1780 were the late 18th Century, likewise 1800s stretch from 1800-1809, 1886 was the late 19th Century.

I find it confusing at times, he talks about the late 1800s, so I have 1807-1809 in my head, then he mentions 1886 and it throws me completey.

Is that a peculiarity of the dialect of where he comes from or is that now a common Americanism?

Hmm, never really gave it any thought before, but Wikipedia has an interesting entry:

To me, when I hear 1800’s it means any date with an 18 at the start: 18xx

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In school, we learnt the second, as I described. I’ve only heard the other use on the TWiT network…

A lot of Americanisms like not putting u’s in words are best explained by the tale of the pilgrim father’s teacher.

They were ready to leave when they realis d they didn’t have a teacher. They sent a small party ashore to find a teacher. The only one they could find was drunk in a bar, having been fired because he couldnt spell, was awful at maths and made up his own version of history, so they worked with what they found and that was the basis of US Education :grin:

Must be American - I’ve always used “hundreds” to indicate the century not decade.

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Always time for cat or dog pics! She’ll be a big girl.
Here’s our 30 lbs Louie and 140 lbs Finn.

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And heck, I’m a Canadian!

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Welcome to the forums fellow 'eh’er :wink:

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Sorry. :flushed:

I thought you were, but checked the profiles on TWiT and Run As… Radio and neither mention Canada, so I thought I must have imagined it.

Here’s a Brit now living in France, who is doing a video about Germany, using it the way you’re unfamiliar with wink

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