Who else is feeling the stress

There is apparently a new episode of Red Dwarf in April being shown on Dave in the UK.

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Ah, yes such an insight into the workings of governments. Shame they didn’t change their behaviour since that series.

Even those you expect more of are just looking to save them selves.
So much for the Hippocratic oath. I really hope that this behaviour results in prison

Unfortunately the common misunderstanding of how herd immunity works is going to be a problem, as various world leaders still think it is the way to go.

As an EU citizen in UK I have had a lot to stress about since the Brexit vote. Now the virus is just another brick on the wall. I do not mind TWiT shows that discuss the virus, all valid information are beneficial in my opinion. Especially when so many people are pushing misinformation and false news.

At least I know that whatever I hear from TWiT is valid. When I want to relax I have a music list with songs I like and take a break from social media. It is very important that I do not watch TV at all and not bother too much with social media like Facebook at all, I find that if I do I am a lot more stressed.

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Looks like the Peruvians are feeling the stress.

Sadly similar things happened in the 70s in south America because of Dracula films, which then affected the pollination of the cactus used to make tequila.


Can someone please explain why when other countries seem to have simply allocated disaster funds, the USA has been wasting time trying to agree on legislation they want to vote on to sneak through, thus keep arguing and not voting and not helping ?

Politics must come before public.

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Right now the US government is generally impotent… it’s been a problem since Obama was basically a lame duck… but this current government seems to also be a slow motion disaster… no one who knows what they’re doing in charge…

Edit: Relevant link


Promising news if this can be replicated easy in various countries

It may take thirty minutes, but that is thirty minutes from the sample getting to the lab technician I would guess. It’ll take longer to get the samples in the first place.

Still, it’s good they can turn around results in less time.

Now I hope nobody is going to hoard intellectual property on this and allow the tests to be replicated everywhere.

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As this will reduce the kit needed for testing, the whole thing can be mobile so the lab comes with the tests.

Because they don’t have any money?

Germany has spent over a decade running in the black and paying back the loans they had taken out in the 80s and 90s. That meant some services, like refuse or local road building wasn’t as active as it could have been, but the country as a whole was in a good way.

They actually looked at the half a billion (USA half a trillion) aid programme without making additional debt. They have now, finally, also taken on an additional 150 milliard Euro additional debt to expand the package.

The USA has had a couple of shutdowns in recent years, because the government didn’t have any money and had to decide whether to devalue the Dollar further by “printing more” Dollars. Could it be that they are struggling to find the money? This is just a theory, based on the recent past.

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It is starting to get real now. Last week, there was 1 confirmed case and 8 people in quarantine in our town. Yesterday, it was 8 confirmed and 49 in quarantine.

(Most people are on stay-at-home already, but quarantine is a whole step further, for those that are unsure. Stay-at-home means you don’t go to work and don’t go out unnecessarily, but you can still get excercise by walking and go to the shops, doctors etc. With Quarantine, you are not allowed out of the house / to leave your property, nobody in or out. If you need supplies, somebody has to deliver them to your doorstep and leave, before you can collect them. If you live in a block of flats, you can’t even bring out your rubbish.)

Edit: We are now up to 12 infected in the town (population ~40,000)

We have close to 30 in my town - last I heard. Probably more than that now.

I don’t want to unsettle anyone, but please take these numbers as guidance. They seem small, though growing, but remember that in most cases the rate of testing is far smaller than the potential population. This means that the numbers are definitely an underestimate and could potentially be a drastic underestimate. Please look after yourselves and have faith in the distancing and isolation to help keep things as contained as they can be. The best additional advice remains to wash those hands and avoid touching your face as much as possible.


Dr. Novella of the Yale University School of Medicine has posted an excellent article of science based advice that lowers my stress.

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I have been paying more attention to the death rate and extrapolating the infection rate since we may not know accurate numbers for quite a while. Apparently the death rate overall will be something short of 1 percent. Steve Gibson mentioned this on the Security Now podcast as well. He has some great links to Covid-19 information.

The German government is saying we are still at the begging of the outbreak, we are in the quiet before the storm.

They will look at whether the lock down can be eased after Easter. But they reckon that it will still be several months before we can get back to normal.

The SMB representatives are calling for a quick restart from industry to safe companies and jobs. But the government is staying hard at the moment.

Edit : Spain is looking to reevaluate their lock down on the 11th April.

Italy is now flying patient’s to Germany for treatment and Lombardi is doing triage, deciding who is likely to survive, the rest are being turned away to look after themselves, because the hospitals are over full and they can’t cope.

President Steinmeier thanked the people of Germany for their efforts. Students and the unemployed are taking to help with the harvest.

Edit 2: Bosch should have a new test ready in a couple of weeks. It should take about 10 minutes. I think at the moment Germany is sound closer to 500,000 tests a week.

A recent video by Dr. John Cambell where he goes over the figures