TWIG 803: Dadscrolling

Beep boop - this is a robot. A new show has been posted to TWiT…

What are your thoughts about today’s show? We’d love to hear from you!

Leo and Regis was so wholesome


@Leo Second half of this article explains why those influencers are notable.

Great point about the radio. More on that here for anyone interested:

Leo said he doesn’t try to sway (or influence or something similar) people’s opinion with what he says publicly on podcasts, but I don’t know about that. I love you Leo, but some of the stuff I heard you say in regards to COVID (back then, not recently) I am not convinced of that.

I don’t recall that Leo ever said anything about COVID that wasn’t then the recommended health advice. It’s true that early on advice was different that what became accepted later, but I don’t think you should fault anyone for offering generally accepted good advice when there is a lot of other bad advice too readily available. I followed the same advice that Leo then gave (having received it from my own government and not specifically from Leo) and I have yet to ever catch COVID.


A bit of that early advice I didn’t believe from the beginning because it didn’t make logical sense and was later proven to wrong. Believing what a government says with applying what makes applying logical thinking and research is also a flaw. Many governments have there own reasons for telling us stuff, that may or not be accurate, but just “because the government” said it, is not a good litmus test. And that goes for no matter what country you are from.


You, the people, elected them for that very reason. Just because the party that may have won wasn’t the party you chose, does not mean they don’t take advantage of the same advice, as very few politicians are also biological engineers or virologists. The concept that no one can be trusted needs to be put to bed… scientists aren’t trying to ruin nor run the world, they’re trying their damnedest to do a very hard job with too little information and usually also too little funding to do it as fast as demanded.

Not every politician is wise, nor does every one of them appear to hold the best interests of society closest to their heart. Taken as a whole, it doesn’t seem that they’re out there trying to get people killed, so being biased against them for advising you the best they can when they’re just relying on advice from the only experts available seems a little strange to me. I also don’t see many doctors nor scientists becoming world leaders. That should say something about their motivations, no?


I didn’t say “no one can be trusted”, just that I don’t believe something because the government says it, that isn’t a litmus test that it’s to be trusted. In fact many times on TWIT shows statements from government sources are doubted, example being about TikTok having a hidden danger, or that social media has been proven harmful to certain ages of children.

Out of curiosity what did I say about Covid that was wrong? Incidentally there’s a full paper trail of all my covid opinions on my blog:

etc. etc.

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