A great shot. Very nice.
I’ve probably posted photos of Port Noarlunga before, but I don’t get bored of the sunsets there.
iPhone XS. Resized for upload.
Getting more and more into the 9:19 vertical format. All three S10e, first two are single shot and the third is a cropped vertical panorama.
Tried setting them as a wallpaper, but they look a bit silly repeated 10 times across the width of the display.
Lovely photos, but after over half a century of landscape photos, it always looks like there is something missing, it has a cramped, almost claustrophobic feel to it, even though they are open landscapes. It is difficult to describe the exact feeling.
I know what you mean. They work well as phone wallpapers, however. I think given a beautiful day, vertical images can be easier to frame in sort of a calming way since you only “need” a calm slice of reality.
Critical perspective: it’s very much directed perspective since there’s also most of the time not much going on in the upper third and the lower third, which leaves the middle to focus on. Since that can be very far away, it’s hard to focus on something. Kind of makes a vertical image a non-image. You want to look around more. So, yeah - I know what you mean. Interesting effect.
New thread for this week The Photo Thread: Week of 2020-05-10