The Photo Thread: Week of 2020-04-05

Missing my ‘old life’ a bit here so looking through a few old pics of things I can’t do at the moment :-1:t2: It’s now looking like our ‘one exercise a day’ will get taken away soon, folks still sunbathing in parks and congregating :roll_eyes:.

Exercise out of the home ‘could be banned’ if people flout rules

The Quantock Hills, Somerset UK Nikon P1/Luminar

Summer Solstice on White Horse Hill, Oxfordshire UK OnePlus 6/Luminar


All ready to go, but no one to share with


Nice! Is that a lockdown project?


No not really just the tidy and summer layout, the Ikea sofas are kept in the dry area with the red sofa…etc


Actually this would be the project, a new summer house, but there’s no deck as they aren’t delivering anytime soon!
I’ve made a bus shelter out of an old greenhouse, and a planter raised on a modified double bed frame.


Is that a triangulation station pylon!? I just heard a podcast about them all over Great Britain and a fellow that’s visited everyone!


Yup. Trig pillars we call them. Used by Ordnance Survey 80 years ago to triangulate the country. What was the podcast? Just habit here to stop when you get to one, lean the bike against it and get your breath back :grinning:

More info here…

99 % invisible

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I heard that episode too, and wondered the same thing.

That show can be really interesting sometimes.

I work in retail in Australia and people here are just as stupid. My boss just came back from vacation and he pointed out that most of the worst offenders (people who don’t respect the distancing, or get offended if we ask if they can use contactless payment instead of cash) are all his age, he’s 60. So I guess my response is NOT ok boomer.

Even if it is all a conspiracy or whatever, is it really that difficult to play along?

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We are de-railing the conversation a bit, but I was out walking the dog on the canal yesterday. We are supposed to go in groups of maximum 2 people, and then only within 2M if you are from the same household.

There were families on bike tours, families swimming in the canal with their small children. Anglers sitting on the bank fishing. But the worst were huddles of 8 - 10 pensioners all riding their bikes together, stopping and chatting together, no 2M between them!

Me? I was alone with my dog and walking as far away on the other side of the towpath as possible from those I was passing, the rest all walking together, no distancing! We’re all doomed, doomed, I tell ya!


I wouldn’t worry, every conversation is derailed by covid at the mo…

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Since I’ve been stuck indoors for weeks, I’ve been forced to be a bit more creative to get my photography fix. This is a tree that has bloomed outside my living room window.


It surprised me, how much colour from the leaves is visible on the sunset shot. I seem to have been in the right place at the right time a couple of times lately to get interesting sunset shots through foliage.

Went out with the BIG lens to get a shot of the pink moon tonight. Best shot of the night? With the iPhone.


I like chipmunks :grin:


The Channel Islands on the horizon, and some alien casinos in the water.
As usual I’d love to hear your opinions and critiques, they are helpful. Not sure about the framing through the fence.


Had to go into the office this morning and took this shot of the entrance to Adelaide Railway Station and all the shut up shops.


Some of you guys live in interesting areas :smiley:

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