Still missing the New Years Eve Marathon

I know. I know. I still bring this up every year at this time. I truly miss the years when Leo and the gang would have the marathons at the Twit Studios for NYE. As one that doesn’t go out for the festivities anymore it was always entertaining to watch as everyone on Twit partied the night away. Some even got tattoos (Haha).



For what it’s worth, I miss them, too! They were so much fun! One of my better ideas.


I swear I was just thinking about this yesterday. Those where so much fun.

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I forget why don’t you do them anymore? This year the reason is obvious but assuming we weren’t in the throws of a pandemic!

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I would assume the answer is as simple as “they weren’t well consumed and so didn’t get advertising revenue to offset their overhead.” If it’s just die-hard fans that watch, it’s not going to attract a big enough crowd to interest advertisers, and it has limited replay appeal. Without advertisers it becomes expensive fan service…

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We never sold advertising on it. It was just too hard on the staff. I didn’t mind staying up for 24 hours, and I know they really enjoyed doing it, but it was a major production and right before CES to boot.


Maybe do a TWiTathon for charity when there’s not a big event coming up? It wouldn’t have to be for New Year’s, would it?

Also, much like studio naming rights, you could have the “FooBar Inc Charity Drive For CA Fire Relief” say, and while most of the money would go to charity, it would not be uncharitable (IMHO) if you claimed some of your expenses for hosting such an event.

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Awesome idea :heart_eyes:

I don’t think there’s much of a chance for any sort of marathon event for New Year’s Eve or anything else during a pandemic. It really wouldn’t be the same if there’s only one host and one technical director in the studio and everyone else has to be calling in on Skype.

…so stay home as much as possible, wear masks when you go out, get vaccinated when you can, and stay safe so that this pandemic can end sooner and we can return you to your regularly scheduled TWiT programming!

I think we’re suggesting this for after the pandemic is over and things return somewhat to normal.

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