Question of the day- What’s your pet peeve(s)?

What’s your pet peeve(s)? (Can be tech related)

Useless questions… I think everyone here want’s this forum to succeed but maybe trying to hard. No offense meant.

Negative people … I am just saying :grin:

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Despite my own failings in the matter, I get annoyed when people use bad grammar and make me work too hard to understand what they’re trying to communicate. Related to this is frustration with how the language is devolving. Many people think it’s completely fine to ignore the SHIFT key, or use emoji instead of words. Get off my darned lawn!! :wink:

Yawn. Is the smiley face something you meant or just a cover? :grin:

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American English is a very dynamic language and all the “rules” change too. I’m guessing since you’re a member of the forum you listen to podcasts, a couple I’d recommend off the top of my head are A Way With Words and Lexicon Valley with Professor John McWhorter. Both are fascinating and explain the our ever changing language & grammar.


Look closely, that is not a smily face that is a grin. I grin when I am being a B.


Bows gracefully.

You make some very good points. I am getting pretty far into my Spanish lessons on Duolingo. Most of the discussions revolve around ever changing grammar in both languages. Thank goodness that the folks here in Arequipa think my horrible Spanish grammar is cute.

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my latest pet peeve is anything my middle daughter’s boyfriend is doing


:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


People on Social Media who still don’t know the difference between your/you’re, their/they’re, and then/than.

Mandatory reference to your theme song :wink:


My pet peeve is about a foot long, has nicely-shaped, mottled brown/tan scales, four three-toed feet, loves to eat, and does not like to snuggle.


My pet peeves are people that think they know everything about all things.
They just can’t see another persons point of view objectively.


People starting their comments with “I mean…”

I wish I could give you two hearts.

That is for sure. We are geeks! The proper way to start any comment is “Actually, …”


You are too funny!____

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People who say macs do not have any bugs, malware or viruses. They have them just like windows does…

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