MBW 776: Perfect Is Enemy of the Good

Beep boop - this is a robot. A new show has been posted to TWiT…

What are your thoughts about today’s show? We’d love to hear from you!

Am listening to episode 776. At about 1:14 or so the volume just dropped without my doing anything. Did that happen to anyone else? Trying to diagnose things.

Not noticed it myself (Pocket Cast on Android and the Club TWiT feed).

As to Ted Lasso, I tried watching the first episode, after hearing people on the network praising it, but I only go about 20 minutes or so in, I thought it was embarrassingly bad.

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Sigh. I’ll check with edit. Thanks @Alanhp

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The MBWPicks website hasn’t been updated in a few weeks so I’m dropping links to this weeks picks here. No rev-share links here, just old fashioned HTTPS

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