Love the show but stop talking over Stacy

No show is better with less Leo. I go into Leo withdrawal when you’re away. God bless the folks who fill in for you, but it’s just not the same without you steering the ship. And screw this being-a-moderator-not-a-participant idea…I want your full insufferability :wink:

(And that’s not meant as a sycophantic compliment, even though it sounds like it. Truth be told, I watch TWiT shows for coverage of a very specific range of topics, and those topics are covered more regularly and with much greater depth when you’re on air and actively participating in discussion along with everyone else.)


Withdrawal? You should check with a doctor about that.

I still agree about the better part since it is about the voice in the radio business. At the very least, that’s what radio was about in the golden era.

Haha, I probably should. Or a therapist. Maybe Georgia Dow can help me.

I wholeheartedly agree, @Leo! Less Leo is not the answer. I’ll be very glad to see you back after your vacation, just being yourself.


Not as good without Leo:

iOS today
Macbreak Weekly
Windows weekly

@Leo No, don’t step back from involvement in the discussions, please! Your passion for many tech subjects is why the discussions run fruitfully longer and are so enjoyable to listen to. I think a lot of the time you actually draw contributors out into saying more on a subject.

I think this underlines that latency is sometimes a problem, and what we hear on the feed is not necessarily the same as what the contributors hear. Maybe it needs an electronic “hand in the air” equivalent that the host can use to keep things orderly when the audio starts to lag and people talk over each other because they can’t hear the other person is speaking?


There’s only one thing I would change - let people finish their thoughts and sentences. You do have a habit of jumping in when somebody starts to say something and then finish their thought for them. Allow your hosts to finish their own thoughts, and then offer your opinions on the topic being discussed.

What you say is great, you just have to pretend you’re on a ham radio and wait for the other person to stop transmitting before you key up your own mic.


Leo I listen to TWiT because I want to hear your opinion. If you started taking more of a back seat in these shows I don’t know if I would keep listening as much.


Leo we :heart: you you cannot leave this show
That being said just let Miss Stacey talk :smiley:

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Call it constructive criticism, call it shade, call it whatever you will, but @Leo please don’t listen to any of it.

Continue to moderate and host the shows the way you have been and don’t change the way you speak (cray-cray) or otherwise based on what you read in here.

Please twit-community, don’t turn this place into a typical social media site.


Here, here! :clap: :100:

Yeah I’m not sure how much I agree with the criticisms of Leo. I agree there is always room for improvement as said before and I just started listening to TWiET which is an interesting change as Leo isn’t in it at all.

Leo is an absolute professional moderator who has years of experience keeping shows on track and making sure everyone gets speaking time. This particular episode is centered around a highly controversial subject and I wonder how much our opinions on the subject skew our opinions on talking time. This is of course including me.

Though I might also disagree with WW being worse without Leo. Mikah did a great job as moderator and had me thinking he must have got some coaching tips from Leo before taking over the reigns of the show. It’s not easy especially when you are moderating a show that isn’t your area of expertise. Mikah did a great job, albiet it may have been easier as WW did not cover such a contentious subject.

Always continue to improve and learn and be empathetic towards others perspectives. I think that’s the lesson here.
I disagreed with pretty much everything Stacey said and I can still see there is room for moderation improvement


Totally 100% agree. Sometimes a show will still be good (I like when Renee has the helm at MW, and I love Mikah with Windows Weekly because I don’t know anything about Microsoft either :rofl:), but the shows are just not the same without Leo. These loooong vacations are a killer!


Please @Leo stay very much engaged with your shows. I honestly prefer listening to them because I value your opinion. One of my favorite things I get from you hosting is that you often times play devil’s advocate to make sure all the view points are heard and that your audience will have change to come to their own conclusion. Keep doing the great work that you do.


I’ll miss you when you’re away, @Leo - the shows aren’t the same without you. So please don’t step back! Maybe just pay more attention to where you interrupt people - that can be frustrating.

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What a waste it would be to have someone with Leo’s vast knowledge and experience in a purely moderator role.

Don’t get me wrong I love all the hosts, and having an occasional guest host is a nice change of pace, but Leo is what makes Twit Twit.


Agreed, @Leo! There are plenty of podcasts on other networks that don’t have your input. Those options are available for those who want them. You are what makes TWiT special.


Amen! Big tech is in many ways out of control, but it seems Jeff often can’t listen to criticism of big tech, it must be techno panic…


For the record. I do enjoy Leo’s take. Just saying that he shouldn’t interrupt. That’s all.


Yea, Jeff isn’t innocent here. :stuck_out_tongue:

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