IOS 510: Replace Your Default iOS Apps

Beep boop - this is a robot. A new show has been posted to TWiT…

What are your thoughts about today’s show? We’d love to hear from you!

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Hi @Leo, I tried Fantastical awhile ago, but I went back to Apple’s Calendar app. I could not rationalize the subscription price for Fantastical given my limited budget. I wanted to answer your question on this week’s great episode. I loved Fantastical, but the price was prohibitive for me. And the basic version was too limited for me compared to Apple’s Calendar.


Hi Leo - Enjoyed the show and gave Canary a try. I can’t help trying just about every email client out there. I see why you like it, but I don’t understand an email client that doesn’t provide access to the Share sheet or any kind of services. I send emails to Things and Slack and Teams and Fantastical and the inability to act on email outside of the app makes Canary a non-starter for me. Don’t quite get how an email client today can exist in its own world… Still, thanks for the suggestion.

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Hi @Leo @mikahsargent

You ran out of time for maps and music… can you leave your suggestions here? I’m interested in what they were.

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Hi again - I take it all back. Took another look at Canary and found Share function on the More menu at the bottom of an email. A little obscure, but it’s there and I can use it and I’m happy.

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