Introducing the new TWiT Mastodon

I requested to join the new but haven’t been approved. Any word on approval process?

It usually takes me a few days. I’ll check now.

We get bombarded by spammers so make sure you indicate you’re a twit listener.

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I’m now on! Feel free to follow at: Adam245 on

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I just bought ‎Toot! on the App Store as well! Pretty sweet deal for 4 bucks.

Wouldn’t a can of beans been cheaper? (Sorry I couldn’t resist the childish joke :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)

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@PHolder lol. It was well worth the buy in my opinion.

So the onslaught has begun! has gone from around 150 members for three years to over 3,000 overnight.

If you want to try out Mastodon you’re very welcome there, but please show me that you listen to TWiT, have an acount here, or something to indicate you’re a member of the TWiT Community. I am rejecting applications to join that don’t somehow mention TWiT.

See you on Mastodon!


I just followed you there

@leo how do we add the Club TWiT logo (you just added) to our username on Mastodon?? Thanks

Hi folks I’m now on Mastodon as - hope to see you there

Hi Leo, does this mean you are closing down this forum?
Do you prefer we use

No. I think they have different purposes. This is for threaded discussion, and you can even use it to host some pictures or the like that you could theoretically then refer to in your posts. Mastodon is a micro blog, the maximum length of a post is 500 characters. I view it more as a way to have quick one off interactions (say a quick joking comment to another person’s post) or to post a link/highlight to something else. (Usually here we expect you to post something as part of a discussion whereas on a micro blog you can’t really have a full on discussion, so a quick link post might be all you really need.)


Exactly @pholder. It’s just one more way to participate in the TWiT community:

  1. Here
  2. IRC
  3. Mastodon

and for Club Members 4. Discord.

Each has its own purpose and style. The Mastodon is almost as old is this forum, actually. I set up on 9/21/19 and on 12/31/19.


I love the variety of community outlets TWiT has. I don’t post a huge a mount here, but really value the longer form disussions, especially for explaining technical subjects with the ability to illustrate and highlight. I find is like a social club, or a gathering at the pub, or a public square, where conversations take place. I am a Club TWiT member and have access to the Discord, but to be honest, I find Discord to be a bit chaotic, and probably suits live conversations better than than the other methods. I heard it discribed as IRC on steroids, and that is pretty apt.

What I’m saying is, is that I really appreciate the different forms of community at TWiT. I am mainly here and on, but there is something to suit everyone’s preference of online community.


It’s interesting – for some reason the Twitter exodus has hit the forum, too. We had 15 new sign up requests tonight. We usually get one a day.


Any inkling as to what percentage of those might be spam accounts?

The Mastodon server costs money, it’s worth considering signing up to Club TwiT to help support the Mastodon server if you decide to use it. :slight_smile:


Edit your profile and add this to your name


Thanks Joe, how do we do the Club TWiT logo?