TWIT Social network

This forum is great and I hope it keeps going and all, but I was thinking, how about a TWIT Social Network, say on Mastodon or somewhere. Have a mastodon node at TWIT HQ would be cool. Idk just a suggestion.

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Yes, please! I’m all for something decentralized, or at least less centralized. I’d be happy to help prove an antidote to corporatized and/or centralized social networking.

I will add, however, that direct, private control over social exposure/inclusion/exclusion must continue to increase; social networks such as Mastodon really are only relevant, IMO, to the degree they facilitate the deliberated, intentional exposure of information one could never have known in advance who they were to benefit oneself by their having found. Even this is only a marginal benefit when compared to, say, a personal website; automation to manage group messaging should, must settle under the full control of the individual user, IMO. This leaves “social networks” per se with almost no room to exist.

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