I’m getting very confused by Google’s password management. I’m trying to sort out an issue for a family member. He has passwords stored in passwords.google.com, but he seems to have a different set of passwords on his Android phone, which you can access via the password manager in settings. Logged into the same Google account everywhere.
I’d assumed they were the same thing, but they are not. For example, his BBC account has a different password stored in each. So he’s always having issues logging in to things.
Any ideas what’s going on? How do I sync them? There doesn’t even seem to be a way to delete all passwords in either. What I thought I might do is clear everything out and reimport a known good set of passwords I have and see if it syncs correctly.
Before you start with the syncing, make an export of both, just in case it decides the wrong passwords are newer and therefore are the current and “correct” ones! In fact, I’d probably take the cloud as the proper version, export it and delete all passwords local and cloud, then reimport into the cloud and see if it syncs.
I haven’t used Google’s, I used to use LastPass for nearly 10 years, but I’ve been on 1Password for about 3 or 4 years now. The family plan is very nice and we have just switched to 1Password at work and everybody gets the Family subscription for free for private use.
It’s as if the passwords saved in Chrome under the password settings on his Mac are completely separate from the passwords stored on the Android under the password manager in settings.
I’d assumed it was all the same thing and synced. Also now not sure which the web interface passwords.google.com is pointing at.
Yes, if it was me I’d turn it all off and replace with Bitwarden, but he doesn’t want that.
The good old turn it off and on again, or in this case, log off of the Google account on the affected device and log back on… Could be that the cache is corrupted on the Android device?
Basics question, but this has caught me out before with a relative who liked to create new accounts. Is it definitely the same Google account that is signed in on all of the devices?
When I had this, they had slightly different email address but they had used the same picture across the different accounts.
I’m not sure if you can still do this, but you used to be able to sign into a different Google account within the browser than the account that you are currently signed into chrome as.
Yes, the same Google account. I’ve now signed out and back in on both the Mac and Android.
Chrome on the Mac and the web password manager interface is all in sync. 75 passwords. But the Android is still displaying 84 different passwords for some reason. Seems to be holding on to a local copy and refusing to sync.
Just in the middle of wiping the phone now, see if that sorts it!