Comments during live

Leo could you please curtail your comments during live events? GRRR!!! Stepping all over the speaker is most annoying. Often you have to ask “What did he say?” because your comments obscured the speaker.
There will be plenty of time for your impressions later.

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If you want an uninterrupted feed of the live events, please use the event’s official stream. The TWiT feed is there for those that want the commentary. Leo has said this many times in the past.


OK I’m open to learning new skills. (that why I’m here in the first place) How do you find the"official" stream for events?

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I’d either look at their own web site, they usually have a link to a live stream there. Or search YouTube.

Google’s for the last event was here… Google Store Events

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To misquote you @Brickshy: can you please curtail your comments on things you don’t understand? If you want the comment free version go watch it from the source. If TWiT just rebroadcasts the original content without commentary, they’re basically just performing a mild plagiarism (making money off of someone else’s hard work.) In order to qualify as news commentary, there has to be commentary.

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The only thing I listen for is the comments. I have no interest in listening to a stream of glossy marketing-speak. Leo’s comments and those of his co-hosts puncture the intolerable pomposity of so many events and anchors them to the real world.

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