Blueksy is open for everyone now. Do you care?

Blueksy is open for everyone now. Do you care?

Signed up and following you… So at least a ltitle. :wink:

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I got in there a month or so ago but rarely use it because of the people I care to follow not being there but maybe I’ll have another look. I do think, much like Clubhouse, there are some who still care but most have probably moved on


Lol! Fair enough. THX

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I would have reserved something interesting for my username, but they require SMS verification and I am not interested in that. (I get that it’s to keep spammers down/out but they also ask for email, so that should be enough… IMHO.) I’ll stick with the Fediverse.


Not really, I am on mastodon and I also set up my own rss aggregator where I have a massive amount of blogs and news outlets/podcasts. Between those two I cover all the news I need. No drama, no toxicity and no ads.

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I was on their waitlist and never got an email about the launch. Bit peeved about that.

I signed up, now just hoping some of the entities I used to follow on Twitter end up over there, otherwise it’s just “a couple million nerdy accounts” :wink:. I’ve never used microblogging services to interact with other users, I think it’s a really poor way to use them. If a decent Formula 1 group turns up then I’ll probably stick with it.

SMS verification is super lame and not at all difficult to circumvent. I assume they’ll try monetize the fake number I gave them at some point.

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THX for reading this. :laughing: It’s been interesting hearing/reading the responses

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I’m loving Bluesky. Once I got past the fact that most of the people I followed on Twitter weren’t there, I went and found some new people to follow…which is something I hadn’t done on Twitter in over a decade. Found some interesting folks and a few people I previously only knew as friends-of-friends…and I’m really enjoying my feed. Over the last few months, I found myself checking it more and more often…and now I only open Twitter every 3 days or so. (I haven’t opened Mastodon in months. I only open Instagram when my wife sends me a link…which is maybe once every two weeks. I poke at Facebook maybe once a week. I’m not using anything else.)

The thing that got me using Bluesky more was the mass shooting in Lewiston, the city where I was born and raised. I kept looking for updates on Twitter, but it was a cesspool of terrible people leaving inappropriate comments, spam, racists, more spam, and very little news. Blusky, however, had none of that and actually had people sharing news posts. There weren’t a ton, but 100% of it was GOOD content.


so far i’ve not found people on there (other than you and the few folks from X that are there) interesting to me. The suggested stuff in the feed doesn’t really make me stay over there. But more and more over the last few years i’ve been more of a broadcaster. Haven’t had many a lot of conversations like years ago. I have a few and they’re ok, but I’ve tried to use the platforms more for marketing. It has lead to sales so i’m gonna keep running with it.