What Email software/service do you use for your primary email?

  • FREE (Gmail)
  • FREE (Outlook, Yahoo, AOL)
  • PAID (Fastmail / Proton)
  • PAID (Own Domain)
  • Other

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I couldn’t pick 2 options. I have several hotmail accounts and a gmail acct. I was hoping to be able to pick more than 1 option.

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Does the poll allow multiple answers, or only one? As it stands, I’d need to select several options.


Ah, sorry, we both posted at the same time.


Yeah, sorry. I wanted to edit this to allow for multiple but couldn’t


My own domain, I’ve had it since 2002.

Then Hotmail/Outlook (since 1995) as a general online account (I tend to use it as my primary nowadays, sucking up the email from my own domain.

Gmail as a spam account, for site registrations, where I’m not really interested in the site or don’t want it bothering me all the time.

I also have an old iCloud / MobileMe mail account, it is still live, but I haven’t used it since around 2013, the same for Yahoo!, I got that as part of setting up Flickr.


i was listening to leo’s caller on the godaddy question 1661, and he made a good point.

it doesnt matter as long the inbox is properly secured, i have gmail and a domain, am thinkin of getting a decicated server on a google cloud so atleast i can encryped the folder, other option would be sending mail to tutanota.

yes email is not secure, but if its send over encrypted protocols and the storage is encrypted.

am still looking for ways to block (bounce) senders frm unencryped ports. can this be done by tweaking the spf and dkim or adding a dns records rule ? but this far all i see its bouncing to my spam folder.

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Gmail for personal/work. iCloud for internet things. Been thinking about paying for email through either my domain provider (Hover) or the Fastmail/Proton, but I haven’t quite worked out the logistics and I wonder how those paid providers compare.

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I have a couple of personal domains that are on Gsuite. I started with Google Apps back when it was free, but now pay for the 2 couple of users per domain.


I have my own domain, but it forwards to my Gmail account. I also have an outlook.com account

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I’m the same as Pommster, I have a few domains which end up in my gmail. I’ve had those emails in various places over the years, yahoo, proton, zoho and outlook/hotmail but I seem to have settled with GMail since there are the added integrations with Google Assistant and it does everything I need.

I feel like I’ve tried almost every email client on android over the years, a lot of them didn’t like sending from your own domains but that’s working well now with GMail.

I was interested in Helm but they were just too expensive for your average home user. Any Helm users on here ?


I am interested, and though expensive, might have even paid, but they only want American money, apparently.


Outlook.com free tier is my primary. Been seeing a crazy amount of spam email get through to my inbox over the past few days though, not sure what’s up with that. I wonder if they’re scaling back spam protection on free accounts?


My company uses Office 365 for email and we still use a third party spam filter.


The software I use is Kiwi for Gmail, which is basically a container for Gmail that adds some features and gets it out of my browser.


All I see is choices of service not software, not even Thunderbird !
I use whatever the OS has generally.
Can’t say as I use one service primarily as I use whichever is more useful per task.
They all look and behave the same in an email program, but I would consider my Vivaldi account my most trusted.

Hotmail and gmail I use about the same amount, I use my AOL (AIM) account for gaming sites so gets used a lot, and the yahoo account for yahoo related stuff only.

Grouping microsoft with yahoo and AOL makes no sense, unless you mean anything that is not google ? in which case you should add apple email etc. or just say “any non google webmail”.
Paid would also include Google and microsoft as you can pay for premium email services, which many businesses do.


I used to use Thunderbird and the Windows 10 email app. I don’t really like either of them. I just use the web on the desktop. I’ve not been satisfied with many modern email apps on desktop. I used to love Eudora and Pegasus Mail. Way back when, I used Pine on my university email account. I use a lot of labels in Gmail and have never been satisfied with any desktop apps’ handling of labels.

I may be returning to Fastmail in the future so all could change again.


Gmail and my own domain.


"…Eudora " Wow Pommster I haven’t heard this name in quite some time. I loved this email client. It was my favorite back in the day. Thanks for bringing back good memories.


I use outllook via my paid office 365 account and I’ve also noticed an uptick in spam. It’s still porting it to the spam folder as it should but there are a lot more of them. I’d assumed it was a recent list or group that I subbed to.