Private email vs domain email and security

Just a quick question for you all regarding every else’s opinion and what you are using
Question is which do you use. Private email like ProtonMail or tutanota
Or do you rely on your personal domain and fast mail or the like
Also if you use neither I would still love to hear what you use

Also why do you choose to use domain over private email and why security is better for which

Thanks and stay safe

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I use my own domain with FastMail. Good enough for me. I do also use Gmail and too though

What do you mean by private?

I also use my own domain with Google Gapps (when they had the free tier-25 users) I am happy with them and don’t have anything to hide so its perfect for me.

An email provider that uses pgp or end to end email of some form

I choose to use ProtonMail paid and just for the fact that it’s end to end if send to other ProtonMail users

I always thought of a domain but I don’t have a business or major need to have one and if using fastmail as my app then th servers are coming from the states unlike ProtonMail which is elsewhere

I’m going to be like that annoying Apple ad: What’s an email?

I obviously know what it is… but I don’t use it for anything unless forced to.

I’ll have to agree partly with you as I use a ProtonMail account for my Apple ID and password account and then a separate email for banking and other stuff
Neither of the emails I ever really use for sending emails
Email to me is more required for signing up or maintenance like I said and if I need to contact people I rather use text/signal for secure messaging

I came from GMail plus work email address and after going freelance went to my own domain with FastMail. These days, I am shifting from FastMail to Office 365 since I like the integration of mail and calendar in Outlook - even Outlook Web Access, nowadays.

I went with my own domain to ensure that I have the flexibility to change email services in the back if I so choose without having to inform everyone about a changed address. This works pretty well till now.

There is one critical thing to keep in mind when going the own-domain-route - now, you have to secure at least two things: your email account and your account with your domain registrar. It is a matter of minutes for the piping to be switched to a different service or set up a man-in-the-middle attack, especially if you’re not checking your settings or interacting with your DNS service frequently. Multi factor authentication for every login might not be an overkill - especially if you’re not frequently dropping by to keep tabs on things.


Businesses - Proton Mail with our own domains.

Personal - Own domain and my own email server running on a Raspberry Pi from home.

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I’ve used hosted Exchange accounts before and agree the integration is very nice. I currently have a hybrid - I keep just my email in Fastmail and still use Google for contacts and calendar management because it just works very nicely on most platforms.

Reason I’m with email is the ability to have a catch-all mailbox.

You have an Office 365 Business Premium account do you not? Does that have catch-all mailbox?

Yes. I had to look that up, but it seems to be able to set that up.

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That reads pretty intimidating to me. The only time I was a bit closer to mail admins was when I was working as a student at our university’s IT department as the lesser one of two web masters, 20 years ago. A friend I made there joined only few months earlier and helped the main mail admin. While web mastering always seemed a bit “hang loose” at that time given the less than critical nature of the uni’s web page, mail administration always was something akin to black magic, with only the particularly learned and not averse to the occult being able to even understand what was happening, why, and how to keep it going. Makes sense, too: if the website went down it would be an inconvenience, if mail went down or got lost, it would be… unimaginable.

Has mail admin become a bit more accessible or are you “learned and not adverse to the occult” (= an experienced professional)? :wink:

Excellent. I might make the switch over from Office 365 Personal and FastMail. It would good to have it all in one and be billed in Australian dollars for both. It works out only a dollar or so more per month. I looked into using my own domain with, but it only supports GoDaddy as a registrar, which sucks.

Bit of a back story: I had a phase mistrusting the big IT brands or rather my use of their service. I did an experiment: try and move away from the big brands and offers. If I did manage, excellent - I did not need the service. If I did not manage, excellent too - I should find alternatives to “addictive” services. Tried this between 2017 and 2019. Moved off of Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Windows, Google, Dropbox, etc. Some things worked better (Facebook and Co I don’t miss), others less so (Google simply finds the stuff I want to find).

In 2020, I reversed this trend, selectively, moving closer to Microsoft (Windows, Office). And I have to say: I really like it, especially the integration. The interfaces have come such an incredibly long way and since that’s the key component of my experience, that’s the preferred route. While on linux, you can make everything work, Windows/Office just works. After having come back to MS, I tend to understand @thurrott 's affection for and “constructive annoyance” with Microsoft and doubts about Linux on the desktop. I wonder how their new products (surface x, duo, neo) will shape their upcoming revision of Windows, Window 10X, and how far @leo might end up feeling it might be once more ok to recommend friends to use Windows.

I am really looking forward to Windows 10X. I just hope it is not a disaster like Longhorn turned out to be. There was a lot of promise there, but a lot of it did not materialise.

There is one more interesting thing when moving from FastMail to Office 365:

FastMail reported an account size of 33 GB.
Outlook 365 migrated just over 22 GB.
A download of FastMail into the Outlook client generates an OST of 20 GB.
A download of the migrated mail from Outlook 365 into the Outlook client generates an OST of 18 GB.

So there’s looking forward to that. :wink: I am right now figuring out with the FastMail support whether that’s a wrong size reading on their website or whether something did not migrate.

Interesting… I must say I didn’t really look at the size when I imported my Gmail to FastMail. Wonder why the discrepancy.

I suppose there will be some discrepancy due to the way the systems account for space which might go up to 10% (at least I’d not be too worried by that). But from 33 GB to 22GB, that can only be explained by the migration not moving something - maybe justified, maybe not. :S

Yeah, that’s a huge difference to account for.