TWIT 975: You Don't Want to Make Ghandi Mad

Beep boop - this is a robot. A new show has been posted to TWiT…

What are your thoughts about today’s show? We’d love to hear from you!

You won’t want your AI examining your X-rays since it’ll do it wrong. In theory, yes, it can be better, but then you’d have thought that about AI-generated legal proceedings since they have the entire web, and therefore all the legal databases, at their disposal.

I think all the AI “doomers” have a point because if Suno is good enough now that you can use it for doing podcast music or incidental music for YouTube / your student film, imagine what it’ll be like in a year or ten. Then you’ll see musicians being put out of work and, without income, will probably starve to death.

Regarding phones in schools, I think having a computer in the classroom is OK when phones aren’t because your laptop is going through the school’s internet connection, which is likely to be heavily proxied with content filters.

I guess the logic behind not checking the identities of people who have paid for blue checks is that, to get a credit or debit card, your bank will have validated who you are, so I guess Elon might not feel he has to.

There will always be an audience for human-created content, just like there’s an audience for non-CGI movies and live orchestras. But yes, every low-budget horror movie from now until the end of time is going to be using AI-generated soundtracks and background art.

Not just low budget, but all budgets. Sam Altman is shopping there text to video generator AI around hollywood right now.

This podcast, probably because of Leo’s current full tilt bias towards AI, likes to brush aside artists or "working peoples " concerns but there needs to be more discussion about this. Perhaps have some Artists on the show to talk about this issue, not just tech journalists who don’t seem to care. I can name you concept artists that are losing jobs because of AI, and that kind of crap goes unnoticed because people are spending ten minutes talking about blue checkmarks on twitter despite the fact that regular people don’t care about twitter at all.

It’s quite ironic given the story about SAG with Leo calling it a good thing, when he and Jeff continuously advocate that artists and creators just give their information to AI training. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. When some musician is competing against nearly indistinguishable copy cat AI models on spotify, where is the money going to come from to keep creatives fed?

This podcast used to be much more stringent with it’s discussions, now the hosts suggest that paywalling your articles is somehow a bad thing that everything should be open to AI, or that artists polluting AI training models are some how vandalizing those models. Sure, Leo walked back on those statements fast, but that same sentiment is all over this podcast.