The Photo Thread: Week of 2022-03-14

Peaceful afternoon by the water. Dusted off the Nikon and tried out some Luminar Neo presets to see what the AI would do with my pics.

Made me realise I’m going to have to update this 2015 MBP soon :roll_eyes: Working with RAW and Luminar is tediously slow now.


In tune


I’m not a street photographer, but every now and then I see something which catches my eye. Sometimes I’ll even follow through and take a photo of it.


It has been a very very very long time since I have posted here and this shot is where an announcement will be made.

This photo is the path I take to get off from work. Yes work, after 2 plus years of being unemployed; your boy landed a job.

On an aside, I am humbled to see that the photo thread has been going strong since its inception.


Congrats on the job :+1:t2:

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