The Photo Thread: Week of 2022-03-06

World’s luckiest cow (1200 ft over the Atlantic)


Had some time to shoot a gig but not from the photo pit so used my time testing the camera. First with automatic iso but then fixed it to 8000. Need to learn the brightness of pictures and quickly increase shutter speed. Also noticed that some pictures are too dark because I was waiting for bright lights and knew that if I need to edit them I can easily pull more light from raw versions.

Lots of pictures here don’t bother to edit them.


Wes Anderson location

Three birds on a wire


The cottage at night. I’ve found a great use for the S Pen. It’s brill for accurately selecting items when doing photo edits on the phone :+1:t2: Lots of object removal on this one, including a large wheelie bin right at the front that I didn’t see in the dark.


Had an opportunity to take some pics of a printing press that printed a newspaper for 40+ years until the job was outsourced to another facility that could do color. The machine is abandoned in place; nobody wants to buy it, and it’s too expensive to pay someone to scrap it.