Photo Thread: Week 2021-07-25

Took a couple of pano’s while out on a walk in a nature reserve. There are rapids upstream and some guys were fishing downstream. Pixel 2XL pano mode, resized down to 800px tall. It was unfortunately an overcast day, and it may have fooled to computational photography, so I tweaked the curves very slightly because I though the pics out of the camera seemed darker than I would like.


Rushes are flowering in our pond :+1:t2: Taken before the bad weather hit this weekend. S20 FE.


Another pic from visit to the conservation area. This is a closeup of a mushroom. It’s been wetter here than has been usual for more than a decade (climate change?) and there were many mushrooms in this part of the wooded trail. This is exactly as it came out of the Pixel 2XL with only a resize to 800px tall and a very minor tweak to the colour curve to better suit my preferences. (No cropping or no blurring/bokeh added in processing, not sure if the computational photography did any processing though.) I was wearing sunglasses, and in my memory the colours were more vibrant… I think an HDR pic might have been necessary to recreate what I remember of the redness of the mushroom.

EDIT: Added a second photo, a group of three mushrooms. Their colour is more accurate to my memory. (Same conditions, no edits but a minor colour curve tweak.)


Am I being watched?


Hello everyone!

Time for some vacation vibes. This week’s edition: northern Italy, Lake Garda.

On the ferry, crossing the lake, looking South:

View from Gargnano onto the lake due East:

André Heller Botanical Garden in Gardone Riviera:

One of the two guard(ian) dogs at our hotel, Dina, together with her statue in the back:

Hope you have a couple of lovely days off, somewhere! This was three days (excluding traveling) and it felt relaxing like two weeks. :slight_smile: Looking forward to your favourite shots from travels or home!