Netgear Wifi Extender Issues

Has anyone had issues with a Netgear wifi extender scam and spoof help site? Is this an issue or am I paranoid?

You mean a site purporting to be a Netgear site just for the wifi extenders?

Yes. When I went to the page in the set up guide I was sent to a site that said it was Netgear but they wanted to charge me $300 to fix the problem.

Would you be able to put the URL here? Maybe it has been hijacked.

Okay, so that is a special address which should redirect you to the router/extender’s internal IP address. If you are seeing something else to the following article, maybe something is sending off elsewhere.

Is the extender new or have you used it previously? Maybe do a factory reset on it and set up again from scratch.

I was definitely hooked up to the fraudulent 3rd party site. I did have the correct address in and I made sure to have a wired hook up to the extender. The site allowed me to access the new site by clicking on the link. That is when it took me to what I assume now was the fraudulent site. Any suggestions on what to do next. I did allow them access to my computer. The computer used was an old one I from my school and was only used for school. It was due to be tossed at the end of May. Here is what I have done so far:

  1. Unplugged it from the ethernet connection during this (Yes they did have access and were running their expedition.
  2. Changed the password to my modem
  3. Changed the password to my email
  4. Ordered a new modem and have installed it

The computer in question will not be used every again. It is retired.