Introductions. What's your story?

Small team, currently short term contract.


I’m OG. I’m a retired System Admin and Network Security Specialist with a background in Law Enforcement. I used to have a Radio Show on KVTA in Ventura, CA before Leo started on KFI. I call in occasionally and try to make Leo Laugh. I’m also a comedy writer. So I’m complicated. P.S. I believe that Kim Komando IS The Whistleblower. When my Radio Show (A Computer Show) was on KVTA, I used to fight with the Station Program Director to get rid of her and let me have her hours. That was fun… but fruitless. Something about national ad dollars. Anyway… here I be!


LOVE YOU @acomputerpro!


I’ll try to call in soon. I’ve moved from CA to WA so I’m still getting used to retirement. Also, I’m getting divorced after 30 years. Leo inspired me to move on. :wink: Just kidding. My wife grew to dislike me immensely. In the mean time… I’m keeping busy by spending another 30 days in Facebook Jail. This is my 9th offense. I commented “White Trash” to a gross pic and that got me tossed back into the Facebook Slammer! Y’all can friend me on Twitter or Facebook. I’m “acomputerpro” at both. You may even see comments from “my friend” Zuck Douchbag on my Wall.


thanks for the suggestion. I’m digging this space, for sure. :fist_right:t4:


Great to be here!
Radio station owner, morning host and general fan of technology here.

Love the idea of the forum, Watched Leo back in the days when C-band dishes carried the ZD shows, so glad for the netcasts of today. Hard to get free from work, but someday want to attend a taping of “The Tech Guy” …Maybe I’ll do it during a Michigan winter so it’s a break from our cold, white season to come. We’re not an affiliate of Leo’s at our station, but he does have one in nearby Grand Rapids, and we’re the old “full service” style of broadcasting from small town USA.
Leo was, however very polite in email conversations back in 2004 when I was shopping for a station to own when I asked if his show was available, and at the time he was just in negotiations for syndication. We exchanged a couple of pleasant emails about his (then) dream to have a small station outside the big city, and I’m so glad for the success of TWIT for him and his team.

This will be a nice place to “hang out” or, in which to relax. (notice no dangled participle there…)
Hope to be able to contribute now and then to topics.
Thanks for the opportunity to join!


I was so busy telling y’all about me… I forgot to mention that Leo is the BEST at what he does. Hands down! And I would know!


Welcome @RadioJim - so glad you’re getting to live MY dream! :smile:

Seriously, TWiT is nothing more than a small market TV station with international distribution. Come by and you’ll see!


Oh my gosh where to start. I have been listening to the network since I heard Leo do an episode that had directional sound. I watch all the shows and enjoy them especially the ones that focus on things I have no clue about.

I work in IT. Mostly on the infrastructure side and I love cable porn. I play the stream all the time at home and download the shows to listen to in the car. I have mugs, T-shirts’, a Leo bobble head and a brick.

I also have two dogs and I live in Kissimmee.


Welcome @Merwolf !!! We have to do that Dolby Headphone thing again. That was fun. I think we were at a brew pub right?


I plan to visit sometime, Leo! Small town station keeps me so busy, it’s hard to get away, but
visiting on a Saturday is definitely on my list for 2020!

I am so glad you kept radio in your sets for the shows. Saw you mention the Gates board last week. Love the old transmitter as well, and the way you’ve always said you’d do the (radio) show even if that was all you were involved-with.

It’s great to see modern technology shared on the “Artistic Modulation” band. (I get tired of people calling it the “antique modulation” band. I try to combat that with creative alternatives.) We use a liner “From antique to android…” on our station just for that reason.

I like your analogy to the small market TV station. There is one in Muskegon, MI. Wish I’d had the bucks to buy it, but I know nothing of TV, all radio. Probably better to do what I know, anyway.

WION is known for it’s excellent (analog) stereo AM sound, which we pipe down the line from a tuner in my office to help dispel the thought that AM sounds awful. Manufacturers are not helping our cause by narrowing bandwidth of receivers to handle only that of talk, or removing AM altogether, but we keep our stereo 10khz bandwidth tuned-up and it’s gotten us very well known. Our night array needs a tuneup for best stereo AM sound, still much better sounding than most AM’s, but in the daytime, folks don’t believe it’s AM when they listen in on the web.

Won’t bore you, but…I believe the broadcasters who are afraid of the web are running the wrong way. Radio needs to be part OF the web, and seen as a “content provider” not competition TO the web. My small team brought this station back from the dead 15 years ago this month, and didn’t need FM translators to do it at the time, though since then we’ve added two of them, and of course streaming.

Whether it’s local radio or netcasting, it’s all about content! The delivery method is secondary to that.

Thanks for starting the forum.
Glad to be part of this new project. Thank you for replying.


It was definitely in a brew pub! I remember listening to shows and thinking this is great - it’s like being at a tech convention that never ends.


First off, I love that forums are making a comeback. I was an early adopter of social but hated how it killed forums. I was also never able to keep up with the TWiG live chats whenever the rare occasion I was able to watch live.

I’m going to introduce myself with a letter that I drafted to @Leo this summer but never got to send it.

I knew that Leo wasn’t on social anymore and didn’t read his emails so I had told myself I would write this letter and mail it to him… well that didn’t happen so I’ll take this opportunity to post it here with the faint hope that he gets to read it.

Hi Leo.

My introduction to the world of TWiT was with This Week in Google sometime around 2010, and I believe it was shortly after reading Jeff’s What Would Google Do book as I was learning the ropes of search engine marketing.

I’m now a devoted This Week in Tech, This Week in Google, MacBreak Weekly listener with the occasional Triangulation and live specials thrown in the mix. Over the years, your shows opened my eyes to the world of tech and entrepreneurship, and it’s probably one of the main factors that gave me the bug to be an entrepreneur one day.

I’m now over one year into being a “tag-along” entrepreneur as I joined a company that my wife started in our living room.

Because of your work, I’ve become a podcast “whale” as they say. I’m a heavy podcast listener, it has become the primary media in our household with many NPR, Gimlet, and various others. It’s inspired me to become a podcaster.

Here’s something for Lisa! I’ve become a loyal customer to services like Lastpass and Audible because of TWiT sponsorships and endorsements. As someone who’s worked in media and marketing for almost 20 years, I know this feedback is valuable.

Selfishly, one of my hopes is to one day to work on a client that reaches the market demo that your shows reach so that I could work with TWiT.
So far the only chance I’ve had to meet one of you was when I got to hang our with Jeff Jarvis a few years ago at VidCon.

I want to thank you for all the fantastic work that TWiT does. I genuinely believe that you are one of the pioneers of podcasting and that the industry wouldn’t be where it is without you and the TWiT team.

So why am I writing this letter to you? Well, just like you believed once, I was extremely hopeful of what the internet and the social web would allow us to communicate with all kinds of people around the world. However, much like you, I’ve lost much of that hopefulness.

Over the last year as I’ve learned what being an entrepreneur means, I’ve discovered just how hard it is mentally and, this might sound weird but your podcasts have been therapeutic for me as it allows me to take a break and listen to people I admire talk about products and issues that I love to talk and learn about. I especially enjoy when Jeff and Stacey get into it on TWiG!

Even though big media seems to be invading the podcasting world that you helped build, I hope to be listening to TWiT shows for years to come.



What a great letter, @carlos! Thanks!! Can’t wait to get your company on TWiT someday!!

I have this odd hope that people who have had it with Facebook and Twitter will find local communities like this that satisfy their itch without insulting their intelligence!

Social media refugees welcome home!!


Just geeky tech loving guy who started listening to TWiT by accident, when I discovered this thing called podcast some years ago.
At the time, I was using a Windows phone, just because I wanted to be different. I was also one of the very few who started using Android phone when it was really new here, while everyone is rocking an iPhone, HTC Desire anyone?
I was listening to a show with Mr Daniel Rubino explaining and discussing about Windows Phone with Leo, and the rest is history.
I like the fun vibes and sometimes serious discussions going on in all the shows.
I listen to many other podcasts now, but the main one is still TWiT.
I use to live in the States, but now residing in a small city on the other side of the world, dreaming of the fun you guys get over there, with all the events you can go to and what not. Love to visit the studio one of these days.
Great work you guys and gals are doing!! :metal::metal:


I’m a tech geek, primarily into building custom PCs and keyboards, but I like playing around with a lot of different hardware and software, and am multi OS on both desktop (mainly Windows, sometimes Linux, currently building my first mac/hackintosh, and looking at BSD) and mobile. Not much coding knowledge, though that is on my to-do list.

I watch/listen to almost all of the TWiT shows, having heard about it from other forums (see? forums are great!) before finally checking the podcasts out around 2012. I’m almost always either listening to podcasts or music, and there’s a good chance Leo’s voice can be heard from my smartphone, headphones, Harman Kardon Invoke (waves to handful of other Cortana users) or speakers in my house at any moment I am awake.

Happy TWiT has forums now. :slight_smile: Chat rooms are okay and I regularly use Discord, but forums better accomodate more permanent and thoughtful responses (one hopes :stuck_out_tongue: ).


I can’t remember how far back I found Leo’s world, but quite a while ago, back in the cottage days for sure.
Twit’s great sound quality and interesting conversations keep my commutes from making me crazy (er)
I have been working in technology, mostly for big company corporate IT for over 30 years. Moving from hands on tech person to a Business Analyst in an IT Operations Automation team.


Great idea. I think Twit is gaining new energy weekly.


Welcome! …a guy with fantastic pictures :slight_smile:


Apple developer since 1984, NASA developer since 1993, Met Leo on a Mac cruise to the West Indies in2006. The Woz was aboard.