How to set LastPass to log out when computer is restarted or shut down

Is there any way to have LP automatically logout when the computer is restarted or logged out? I contacted Support and after many back and forths, they just stopped responding!

I like LP but their support suffers. I know you can set it to log out when all browsers are shut down (not what I want to do) or after so many minutes (close, but not really).

My concern is that someone steal my computer from my home, somehow logs into my account on my Mac, and then goes online and logs into my other accounts. So, having LP log out when the computer shuts down would be a good security measure. In fact, I would think this would be a default.

Any ideas?

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There’s a setting for auto logout after x amount of time or if the browser is closed.

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Yes, I think I wrote that. I’m specifically looking for when the computer shuts down, i.e. stolen.

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Does the log out when all browsers are closed option not do this in Account Options / Extension preferences / General ?

Not tested but that was my assumption…

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Well, I often close all my browsers from time to time during the day. That’s not really the same as shutting down the computer.

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Doh! yes sorry, watching football and reading.

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Yeah but chrome keeps running in the background in the Systray (unless you turn that off), so might do what you want.

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Yes I see what you mean. Seems like a hole in the security. I guess they assume you’ll always close all browsers and have a computer logon password.


I’m using a Mac and Brave browser. Thanks.


I see on Lastpass forums this has been an issue for years.


Wow, good to know. Seems like a major security hole.

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Yeah was just having a look on there myself and came to the same conclusion.

I suppose if you set it to log out after 60 minutes of inactivity then the risk is only that your computer gets stolen in 60 mins and they manage to work out the password to log onto the Mac in that time.

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Did you see the lastpass forum post about the helper app?
Works for some folks not for others.


I went ahead and set the default inactivity to 600 minutes. That means I wouldn’t have to log in multiple times but if it got stolen, I would think it would take that long for them to break into much computer. And thus my next question about 2 factor authentication on a Mac when logging in!


Hmmm… I don’t see the helper app in the App store. Anyway, looks like a security hole for me. Thinking about switching to Dashlane when my subscription runs out.

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Sounds like a reasonable compromise.

With regards to your other question, I thought you could do this with a YubiKey but I see that isn’t working yet in Catalina

Worth Keeping an eye on though…


I know Yubikey is the ultimate security, but I would like to avoid it. First, I worry that I lose it. Second, my USB ports aren’t easily accessible. But anyway, better than nothing!

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I found this on adding the to your startup folder-

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I use the LastPass Authenticator to provide multi factor authentication. The LP authenticator requires my face ID or PIN

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