@Leo before you moved out of the studio, I remember you talking about trying out a device that helps with tinnitus. Did you try it? If so, how was it?
I have tinnitus so very curious. Thanks!
@Leo before you moved out of the studio, I remember you talking about trying out a device that helps with tinnitus. Did you try it? If so, how was it?
I have tinnitus so very curious. Thanks!
I bought the Lenire device (using a very good audiologist in Marin - one of the few who offers the device) back in June. Used it twice daily it for the recommended 12 weeks with no effect. I continue to use it off and on, but it doesn’t seem to make any difference for my tinnitus.
That’s a shame. Was hoping for some good news for you (and me! ).
I also have never found any way to alleviate my tinnitus! Neither have any of my Dr’s nor the VA!!(I came out of the Service with it)
Oddly enough that’s what got me into podcasts. I started listening to them to distract myself from the tinnitus, because having some voices talking away in the background seemed to help. These days I listen using a Shokz bone conduction headset, with the sound locked to mono so the voices are “in my head”. It still helps a lot, but because my ears are open I can hear anything said to me - although of course I pause playback so I can give my whole attention to the person speaking to me.
Maybe you know this there is a very active community at www.tinnitustalk.com. They also have a podcast.