HOT 139: Mach-E One Month Review

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What are your thoughts about today’s show? We’d love to hear from you!

Hi Leo! Good luck with the Mach-E! I have been waiting for it to come out since first hearing about it years ago. I am thinking of getting the same color as yours. Your video was really terrific. I hope you make more of them on it. Thanks for all your years of TWiT programming! I have learned a lot & have had a lot of fun doing so. All the best!


Thank you Jack. And a big thanks to Anthony Neilsen to had to edit that mess!!


As a slight Ford fanboy, I’m very excited about the Mustang Mach-E and I’m glad it turned out to be a great vehicle. Personally, I will say that I am glad Ford added that volume dial, because while steering wheel buttons are convenient, I love being able to quickly increase or decrease the volume. I had an aftermarket Pioneer infotainment unit with volume buttons and that was just obnoxious to deal with exclusively.

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Thank you Leo! This was exactly what I was looking for. I definitely think you should update when you hit milestones, six months, software updates, etc. Great Job!

All my best


And since I recorded that I’ve discovered that the OTA update did, indeed, fix phone-as-a-key. It’s been working reliably ever since.

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I’m in the UK and have been waiting for Leo’s review of the Mach E for some time (I’m a long time TWiT listener). Great content that I really enjoyed. Now I’m just waiting for my Mach E to be delivered. 5 more weeks to go according to Ford… My whole family has never been this excited about a car before.

In the early days I was looking at Teslas but could never quite afford them, and now there is more competition they are starting to loose some of their appeal to me. My daughter once said that if I could afford a Tesla then I should buy her a pony instead. She wasn’t too impressed when I was able to turn to her and say that I’ve compromised and ordered an electric pony!


We’ve recently consolidated and replaced our two cars with one, and so frustrated we had to stick with petrol. Very little charging infrastructure where I live, and no way I can charge at home :-1:t2: Seems so backwards to buy an ICE car today.