FOP 8: The Story of the Woo

Beep boop - this is a robot. A new show has been posted to TWiT…

What are your thoughts about today’s show? We’d love to hear from you!

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@ant_pruitt, Karen is correct, you are the VOICE!

I love listening to you talking, it is very relaxing. Unlike Jeff on TWiG, you never explode, you discuss things sensibly and remain calm and your voice has a soothing effect. I love listening to FOP and I’m glad you keep appearing on TWiG.


Maaaaaaan I love Miss Karen. THANKS. Funny story, a while back I replied to her Instagram story. She replied back to me with a voice note. I thought it was so cool that she took the time to do that. So I replied to her reply with a voice note of my own. We went back and forth a few times. Then she complimented my voice out of the blue. I fainted. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Hey Ant, I really enjoy your new show, although most of the time I do not use video, I listen on my phone while working and sometimes its not easy to visualize what is going on in the studio. I also love to take photos when I have some free time and I am a fan of Sony Alpha, got a couple of old bodies and a few legacy minolta lenses. As an amateur, I would be very interested if at some point you presented how you use custom brushes.
You have mentioned them a few times, I remember you mentioning cloud brushes and textures, so I wonder how you use them. Thank you very much and keep up the good work.

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Using custom brushes is definitely a visual tutorial for Hands-On Photography. But I’ll try to explain here.
Photoshop started as a drawing/painting app. So you have brushes you can use as part of your photo editing/manipulation. There are many free custom brushes available online that can help create a certain effect. I like to use some brushes to generate a dust or hazy look on some of my photos. There are others that can be used to create hair or paint strokes or whatever comes to mind with a Google search. Pretty cool. THANKS for listening to #FOP. Means a lot. Keep telling folks about the shows. Thanks

Cheers for the answer Ant, I am a Linux guy so my main editing tool is gimp but I think that on this it is very similar to photoshop. I will definitely follow FOP in the future so if you do a brush tutorial I will make sure to watch the video version as well as listen to the audio.

Yup. GIMP is pretty close to PS. :fist_right:t5: