Cub Twit payments problems

I have subscribed to Club Twit (and Jupiter Signal) a long time who use Memberful/Stripe for payments. My last payment was refused because the card was rejected. I know for a fact that my card is working fine as I subscribe to multiple online services that are accepting my card. Any help would be appreciated, thank you.

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I looked on their site for you… The TWIT FAQ says:

Why was my payment declined?
Check your credit card payment information here. If the information is correct and you don’t know why your payment was declined, you may need to contact your credit card issuer and tell them that this charge is approved.

And then here:

I still have questions. What should I do?
You can contact us by email at A member of our team should get back to you by the next business day.

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Thanks I’ll contact my bank tomorrow

Much better to email - I don’t think anyone is monitoring the forums for these issues.

Thanks I’ll try that and also contact my bank to see if there is something wrong there