ATG 1968: See You at the Next CIA Meeting

Beep boop - this is a robot. A new show has been posted to TWiT…

What are your thoughts about today’s show? We’d love to hear from you!


A couple comments for Ant, re using a Mac.

You said you were using alt-tab to switch between programs. Not sure if that was a window switcher error or a comment error, because you use command-tab to switch between open programs. I’m wondering if you’re just hitting the wrong key sometimes. I do that when trying to drop volume. Is it command? Option? Control? Wait. No. Its function. Still. Every time.

You also mentioned that when you minimize something then try and reopen it, it doesn’t reopen. Are you clicking on the program or clicking on the minimized window? Mac treats the program and the window as different things, so you can go back to the program but the window stays minimized, even in, say, the App Store where the window is the program, unlike word where you can have five or ten documents open at the same time. There might be a way to get it to open the window when fast switching but I don’t know it.


Re: File number cap.
Didn’t you know that file metadata will take resources (disk space)? Sure, Google can fix this by developing another file system technology. But would you pay for that extra file system technology? Should the majority not need that unique file system to pay for it?

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By the time anyone is hitting 5M files, they’re already over any free level of storage, and so are already paying for extra storage. I don’t think the complaint is that people don’t want to pay for what they use, it’s that they don’t like to be surprised by new limits without ANY notice or explanation.

Additionally, I see this just came out:


Now I can’t remember if Im doing cmd tab or option tab. Anyway, it’s alt tab on Windows.

Also, I figured out my minimize/maximize concern. If I click on an icon in the windows task bar and it is minimized, the Window will appear for viewing. Click that icon again, it minimizes to the task bar.

In macos, for me, if I click an icon in the dock, the window appears. If I click that icon again, nothing happens when I’m expecting it to minimize to the dock. Only option is for me to click the yellow button on the top left of the window to get it to minimize to the dock.

Just a muscle memory change.

Thx for listening.

I enjoyed listening to this show. Usually when Leo is gone, I skip those shows. I haven’t care for past guest hosts too much. But, you guys were interesting. Thanks for that.

One thing I must say, though… After the show was over, I went back and looked at the time. Sorry, but over 30 minutes about robot vacuums and all the specifics was a bit too long on that topic. It was interesting in the beginning, but just went on for too long IMHO.

Otherwise, fantastic show


I agree with you, I felt exactly the same thing as I was watching it live. (Somewhat humorously, that was the only portion of the entire show I saw.) As I was watching I was thinking wow this segment is too long, they must be filling because there aren’t enough callers while Leo is away. IMHO, it really should have been a bullet point summary (with a buy, skip recommendation) in the show that referred to a stand-alone review segment for more details.


The simple rule for switching between Mac and Windows is that you use the Command key for most things that you would use Alt or Ctrl for on Windows (Alt+Tab and Ctrl+everything else)


Good feedback. Thank you for this :fist_right:t5:

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Yep. Good feedback. Thank you :fist_right:t5:

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I’ll be honest, I think I fell asleep during the robot vacuum segment. But, I was lying down on the couch already anyways.


But you still use Ctrl in the Terminal for commands like Ctrl + C or Ctrl + D. I remember that was confusing when I switched to macOS and after I already remapped Ctrl to Cmd in my head.


sadly, cmd + tab isn’t always bring up the window when i select it. odd, but i’ll deal

Maybe you’re trying to switch between two different windows of the same app, e.g. two Chrome windows. There’s a different shortcut for that.

What window are you trying to switch to? Does clicking on the app icon on the dock bring up a different window than when you switch to it using Cmd + Tab? It shouldn’t.

Edit: I noticed when you close a program using Cmd + W, it’s still in the Cmd + Tab menu and open on the dock. But only clicking on the dock opens a new window. If you try to switch to it using Cmd + Tab, the program shows up in the menu bar, but the window doesn’t open. Just tried it using TextEdit.

Yep. You’ve replicated what I’m talking about.
Oh well.

I see. I guess if you want to keep using the keyboard, you can press Cmd + N after you’ve switched to the “empty” program.

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This bugs me on macOS, command-tab ignores minimised (but open) apps.

There is a way around it. press command-tab until the minimised app is selected. While still holding down command, hit the option button (next to command), release command, then release option :upside_down_face:

Eventually becomes muscle memory (maybe!)

Also not convinced on the reason given on ATG recently on why the red button doesn’t actually close apps. They suggested the issue was with Spotify and its implementation. The red button is close window, not app. To close an app, use the menu bar or command Q.


that one extra button press worked for me. sheesh. muscle memory. . . .:man_facepalming:t5:
Gonna take some time for me to get used to it.

My apology. I assumed this was a technical issue. Should we also blame GNU/Linux for “secretly” providing standard file systems with limited inodes?

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It feels like you’re not paying attention. They were ALREADY successfully offering a paid service, when they inexplicably changes the rules without informing their existing customers what the limits were. Those customers already had data in place that violated those new limits (when there were not explicitly defined) and thus they couldn’t continue to use the account they were paying for. It’s simply bad business to have limits and not communicate them, and then to change the limits with no warning or communication.