TWIG 799: What's A Basketball?

Beep boop - this is a robot. A new show has been posted to TWiT…

What are your thoughts about today’s show? We’d love to hear from you!

I’m very glad TWiG isn’t being cut. Paris & Jeff are such lovely hosts I would be so sad to lose them.

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As someone caught in the crossfire of the WPE/WP drama, I’ll admit that I’m a little biased. However, Matt’s reactions and behavior to what is merely a preliminary injunction has been unacceptable. He’s damaging his own reputation more than anyone else’s in all this, and is just making the lives of coders like me harder than it has to be.

WPEngine is not required to contribute one red cent. Should they? Glad to debate that, and they probably should. Making money by offering paid hosting of FLOSS software? How dare they? Why is that such an issue? Up until Matt started trying to stealthy edit pages, everyone was allowed to use “WP”. “Core” was certainly wrong to use, but the reaction has been absolutely wild.

Matt just wants money he’s not obligated to, and I think the big problem is that he’s not obligated to it. “But they’re a shitty host” is not a valid argument, merely an ad hominem.

You really shouldn’t let Matt onto the show either, if we’re being honest. Mainly because the last thing he needs to be doing is more interviews. He’s said enough things that’ve made the community at large question the software’s future.

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