TWIG 684: Like a Shiny Tic Tac

Beep boop - this is a robot. A new show has been posted to TWiT…

What are your thoughts about today’s show? We’d love to hear from you!


I love it when they start discussing Elon and Jeff’s head actually explodes!!!:joy::joy::joy::joy:

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Poor Stacey…when she was trying to explain Matter, others kept interrupting her mid sentence, time after time!! Guys, please STHU and let her finish…wow :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Regarding the Google case for algorithms suggesting beheading videos to victims’ families, this coming week, we are having regional elections, here in Germany and I, an immigrant living in Germany, have been inundated with YouTube ads to vote for the anti-immigration party!

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Regarding restaurant chains, I can’t remember the last time I ate in/got takeaway from a chain restaurant, probably KFC in 2018. We get pizza from the local Italian, Chinese from the local Chinese restaurant and burger from a local burger bar etc.

We do have a McDonalds in the town, but I think that is the only chain we have, and I haven’t eaten there since, probably, 2010 or maybe 2009.

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I wanna come to Germany for food and beer


On the one hand, there is something in what Leo often says about the latency of Zoom causing people to override one another’s speech. On the other hand, Leo has repeatedly admitted that he interrupts guests and co-hosts all the time. Ant appears to be a victim of these interruptions just as much as Ms. Stacey.


The zoom excuse ONLY works when you are not interrupting in the middle of sentences

Having been on a Fireside Chat with Ant and the two Joes a few weeks back, it is actually more difficult than it looks. On the other hand, the host’s job is to keep the conversation flowing.

I feel that sometimes that @Leo gets carried away with a subject and wants to finish what he is saying and talks over the top of the guests, without hearing what he is interrupting, but having experienced it, it isn’t that easy to judge. The delay to me, especially with my face being shown speaking about half a second or so behind what I was actually saying, and therefore the lip sync totally at odds to what I was saying, I had to tune out my own image, when it appeared and concentrate on something else most of the time.


I was one of the Joes a few weeks back!!:joy::joy: