TWIG 617: That's A Moray

Beep boop - this is a robot. A new show has been posted to TWiT…

What are your thoughts about today’s show? We’d love to hear from you!

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I think I’m finding myself agreeing with Stacey, and I’m one of the anti Amazon people.

I still dream of that day we have Megaman Battlenetwork style Net Navi companions, personal, local device assistant ai with its own personality curated to reflect the operators.
I wanna look at my portable handheld, talk to my digital friend, who finds what i need, manages tasks, talks with me, handles speach processing, plays games, and keeps me safe, etc.
Yet, I don’t like Alexa, or Siri, or even Cortana. I don’t like how dehumanizing my interactions are with these.
I don’t like this parasocial relationship the Echo cultivates with Amazon, a disingenuous trust I’m supposed to put on “someone” who cannot care. There’s a lack of genuinity in Amazon, And the fact that they want to be part of my house, my family, my security system would not make me feel safe.
I think it’s a dangerous precedent, to establish these trust relationships with a omnipresent monolithic representative, faceless no real emotional response to anything, who’s motives are misaligned with the operator, or even potentially antagonistic to the end user, instead aligned to the totality of Amazons and Googles.
But, I agree, that without personal assistants, we are stripping ourselves of a lot of individual agency and autonomy made available by the ability to delegate tasks to machines, and this will only increase as our world becomes increasingly more complex and complicated to navigate.
What are we to do, but dream of better solutions.


KOBOL? KOBOL? Isn’t it COBOL? Or aren’t you old enough to be familiar with it.


Stacey was breathing fire about the deregulation-dark-patterns fiasco in Texas and what it means about oversight.

Sadly I just don’t think people in government are interested in solving long term problems anymore and any attempts at regulation of Big Tech will all be useless.

Markets will also of course fail and as usual the little guy will take it in the shorts.

EDIT: After re-listening it was the part about regulating big tech and Amy Klobuchar asking about Matter where the Bobby pins was thrown.

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That’s how the kewl crowd spell it… :wink:

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So why not kewl krowd? At least be consistent

hahahahaha - yup COBOL Common Business Oriented Language

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