Swift coding course Leo mentioned

Sometime within the last month there was a discussion of some coding resources from Apple. Leo mentioned an online Swift course, possibly from Stanford?

Can anyone point me to either the episode or the course itself? I couldn’t find any reference in the show notes.

I feel like it was this one: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/course/developing-ios-11-apps-with-swift/id1309275316

I’ve been doing two different “courses.”

To start I highly recommend the 7th Edition of Big Nerd Ranch’s iOS Programming.

It’s pretty easy to follow along, and benefits from years of teaching this material at their in-person boot camps.

If you’re up for a bit more of a challenge, Stanford’s CS193 is updated every year. The current course is free here: https://cs193p.sites.stanford.edu/

It’s important to get up-to-date material, because Swift and the Apple frameworks are a moving target. Both these sources are from this Spring and include SwiftUI.

Both assume some previous programming experience.


Killer. Thank you. I had thought it was the ios 11 version, too, but as you note, that target it is a-changin’. Too, the BNR. Mille Grazie!

Awesome. That’s just what I was looking for. I saw the Stanford course; wasn’t sure that was the one you mentioned. Thanks so much @Leo!

Definitely the two best resources I know of. It looks like Stanford is updated for SwiftUI. He’s really good. I think I’ll watch it. I took his course early on in my then Objective-C career. I have access to The Big Nerd Ranch books through my subscription to SafariBooksOnline.com (now O’Reilly). I don’t think it has SwiftUI code yet.

I think you’re right @MsHappyBytes - the BNR book came out in March but it’s already out-of-date!! Well not really. It still works fine but eventually you’d want to cover SwiftUI since that’s the future.

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