Steve Gibson's GRC provided outstanding SpinRite support

I’ve watched/listened to Steve Gibson for a LONG time. ‘Back When’, I bought a copy of SpinRite 6.0. I built a few computers, dabbled in various hard drives, etc. I carefully kept my receipt and ‘code’, etc. But… in the process of ‘down-sizing’ I seem to have lost that valuable file. Recently I heard Steve going on about how S/R 6.1 had pepped up SSD’s. For a number of reasons I now operate only two 17 inch H-P Z-Book ‘lap top’ workstations. They run great, but I was curious what 6.1 might do for them. To cut to the chase, ‘Sue’ and GRC crew bent over backwards to scrape around and find my 6.0 credentials, so I could get the 6.1 upgrade. OUT-BLOODY-STANDING !!!

Had to pass on true praise, where it certainly was due…