SN 969: Minimum Viable Secure Product

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Can’t help feeling the backdoor in these old D-Link devices can only have been out there as a means for the government to spy on you, either that of for D-Link to be able to update it from their end.
Not to “blame the vicitm” here since that’s a phrase I hate and it’s not their fault if they weren’t told about the issue, I do think that, at a certain point, the user does have to take responsibility for themselves in terms of security.
Netgear, Linksys, D-Link, and Cisco probably shoould be making things easier, and there are definitely things they can be doing to help, it is ultimately the users responsibility to keep it secure.
Even if, as would be the case with our parents, they don’t know about this stuff; most of the people I know in tech are happy to give advice

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I struggle to blame the manufacturer if users (who are in theory, prosumer or SOHO level) continue to use a network-connected device that last got an update in 2016. But there are over 90,000 of them still on the Internet :man_shrugging:t2:

Just the Lighttpd web server used by those products has had many vulnerabilities and fixes since then.

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