SN 961: Bitlocker: Chipped or Cracked?

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I recently got a new router since the software was horrible on my previous one. I bought an ASUS router specifically because it has a VPN server built in, so I configured that, downloaded the OpenVPN profile and can connect back to my flat.
As for passwords, of course, they are security theatre. A front door is security theatre since an intruder can just break it down or smash a window. The only point that I would make is, that if you allow someone to log in with just an email then, in theory, they can hack your email and then log on as you though I guess the same would be true for the “forgotten password” link although, if they have security questions set, the password reset link is slightly more secure I think.

I just got a new Router myself. Its the Asus RT-AX86U Pro. Wanted the latest Standards,WiFi 6 & WPA3. Has a button on the side to turn Wifi On or Off,Same as my old Router the Asus RT-AC68U,Same Router Steve has.The Firmware is still being updated. I have UPNP Disabled.

I always have 2 Email Accounts one for Friends & Family, then one for all the other stuff on the Internet. Not too concerned about it as I can have everything go onto the Spam Folder.

Got rid of Gmail long ago & also deleted my Accounts there. Use a Secure,Privacy Oriented Email Provider.

Steve I was just wondering if you have any plans on upgrading your old Asus Router in order to get the Updated Security that WPA3 provides.

SN Topic for the future WPA2 Vs. WPA3.

I have a Asus WorkStation Motherboard. Awhile ago I got a Asus TPM 2.0 Module that just plugs into the Motherboard. Did this to be more compatible running Windows 11.(Still using Win 10 as well) I Checked the Specs & it is not Intel.