SN 959: Stamos on "Microsoft Security"

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What are your thoughts about today’s show? We’d love to hear from you!

Microsoft could have done better, but I also feel like Stamos is trying to make his bones for Sentinel One off this.

Regarding the authenticated camera discussion… of course there won’t be a perfect solution, but I feel like we should at least try to implement some sort of authentication. I think I mentioned it before on here, but I really feel that a press outfit could turn revenue off of being a trusted source of authenticated photos. It could also stem the tide of aggregators tearing journalists to pieces, as authenticated images could only be viewed at the source.

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In Germany, we often have to give up a sworn declaration that something is true. Maybe there needs to be some sort of legal verification that is binding, for photos used in official posts? If it turns out that the photo is a fake, the “photographer” can be sued and it is a criminal offence to give false evidence.

As Steve says, embedding the key in the device means it can be extracted and used. Even if it is in a secure enclave, they can probably get it out, eventually. The reason why that is currently unfeasible to try and extract the secure enclave is that the enclave is needed to access the information on the device, so damaging the device and breaking the enclave means you have destroyed the reason for getting the key.

With a camera, where you need the key to sign your own fake images, you just need the key, maybe the enclave, but the camera itself is irrelevant.

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