SN 958: A Week of News and Listener Views

Beep boop - this is a robot. A new show has been posted to TWiT…

What are your thoughts about today’s show? We’d love to hear from you!

Another episode, another opportunity for Steve to sweep Apple’s objective monopolistic behavior under the rug while he chastises Microsoft and Google at length.

He spends a bunch of time chastising Google for not allowing Firefox in the Discover feature. I agree, that’s bad. But guess what I also have on Android? A little button at the top that says “Open in Firefox.”

It’s really becoming clear that Steve directs far less criticism towards Apple than literally anybody else, even when they are building literal backdoors into their hardware.

I love the idea of a browser fingerprint fuzzer (not crazy about Brave’s branding of it) and always thought EFF’s Privacy Badger would greatly benefit from such a feature.


I do not understand what the big deal is here concerning Firefox.

I have never had a problem making it the Default Browser on Android.
The first thing I do with a new Phone is Disable Chrome. I also Delete
the Advertising ID.

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