Safari in Sonoma Cmd+R not reloading pages?

Has anyone else noticed this problem?

I have it on my private Mac mini and my work MacBook Pro, both with M1 processor.

If I do Cmd+R to reload the page, the page is reloaded in its current state, it isn’t reloaded. If I enter the address bar re-type the URL and press enter, the page reloads properly, if I click, for example on on the Thurrott logo, it reloads the home page with the current content.

E.g. I haven’t used the page for a couple of days, I hit Cmd+R and it “reloads” with the state it was in 2 days ago. If I open a new tab or retype the URL, it reloads with the current content.

I’ve actually changed the shortcut to F5 is reload and Ctrl+F5 is a full reload, the same as Chrome on Windows (habits die hard).

I’ve not seen your issue though. Seems like some kind of caching going on?