HOP 173: Photography Privacy

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What are your thoughts about today’s show? We’d love to hear from you!

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Privacy and rights depend very much on where you are shooting, country wise… It also makes a difference from the photographers point of view as to how much they are prepared to push the limits of their rights…

I find it hard doing street photography here in the UK as I don’t particularly like confrontation even though I am within the rules.


Exactly. Have to know all the circumstances and rules of your jurisdiction. NY is different from California for example. Thx for listening and sharing the show with the world


Just got back from Amsterdam and trying to catch up, the architecture over there is great to photograph, but specially with the canals for reflection.

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Hey @ant_pruitt - sorry to bother you but I don’t know where to share this, or whether there is a general humour thread if you have chance can you let me know please

Since Samsung engineers were using ChatGPT in the wrong mode many tinkerers are using ChatGPT to build their own homebrew mobile phones - I give you the Sumsang universe 42 - the answer to all your mobile telephony needs

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