Do you use an rss reader?

I use Feedly to capture & Unread to read (on iOS).

Is there a twit community RSS feed?

I replied to your thread on the topic


Iā€™m a weirdo who rents a VPS to run ttrss on, so yes.

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If it works for you, I wouldnā€™t consider it weird. I am doing something similar, by running TTRSS via a cPanel script.


I pretty much only use RSS feeds for my Podcasts, so itā€™s the RSS feed using Winamp for me.


macOS Catalina with Firefox extension Feedbro Reader. Opera browser has built-in news reader with beautiful UI. Free VPN and ad blocking also bonus.

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I have really grown to like Fiery Feeds. Over the last week I have tried going back to Feedly but I canā€™t. The UI in Fiery Feeds is great and simple.

Freely backend (Google Reader prior) for Reeder on iOS.

I use I find it pretty close to what Google Reader use to be. I donā€™t use their social features or anything fancyā€¦

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I am downloading that now to try out.

For my daily Connecticut politics newsletter, I have been using Feedly Pro which has some ability to be trained (AI) regarding which articles fit my criteria. Iā€™m still experimenting with that aspect.

Off-topic, I am still seeing journals and news articles captured by Feedly talking about a Pandemic Drone being used by the Westport, CT Police. That project never got off the ground (so to speak) because of privacy concerns but that hasnā€™t stopped folks from writing about it.

I have tried using standalone RSS tools but just donā€™t get the point, and have to remember to run another thing.

Since using old Opera I expect to have RSS in the browser as I want to subscribe to web sites, which will display better and be more functional in my fave web browser.
I can understand people not using it if their experience is what IE had.
In the browser I currently use FeedBro extension.
Most of my news is read in the RSS extension itself if it can show the whole article.
It allows me to subscribe to the XML feeds for youtube channels and benefit from the YT extension in my browser.

Alternatively for media and podcasts I use WACUP (the winamp replacement), as that is where I play my media anyway.

Me ?
Take 2 bottles into the shower ?
Pfffft !

Hello Dr. Flay.
I use Feedly to gather information daily for a daily Connecticut politics newsletter that I publish. It contains some AI capability that can be trained to find the articles that I need. Also, it does intelligent summarizations.

One more thing that I forgot to mention is that it also inhales Twitter feeds that you designate. If you follow a journalist, they may Tweet a link to their breaking story before their publication sends it via RSS.

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